A quick guide to understanding recent earthquakes in Guanacaste
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Translator: Jana Saldana
You likely felt the 6.1 magnitude earthquake on Saturday, October 12, around midday. It was just one of several times the ground was likely to shake beneath your feet in recent weeks, as the National Seismic Network (RSN) recorded 96 earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 3.0 in an area near the coast of Guanacaste between Sunday, October 6 and Tuesday, October 1. 15.
This sparked dozens of news reports and hundreds of comments on social media, full of theories about what is happening. At The Voice, we turned to RSN seismologist Liebolt Linkemeyer to find out how accurate some of these social media comments are and to provide you with clear explanations. All of these answers are prepared based on Linkimer's explanations:
These tremors are a sign that an earthquake is coming. bloomer
We would all like to know where and when the next earthquake in Costa Rica will occur, but unfortunately, we still cannot predict it. But what is true is that we notice an increase in seismic activity, which peaked on Sunday, October 13, but decreased by October 14 and 15. Although the tremors have subsided, we cannot confirm whether an earthquake will occur or not, because this is a tectonic plate boundary area where earthquakes are common.
Small tremors release energy that prevents an earthquake. bloomer
This, unfortunately, is a myth. Small tremors do not “release energy.” For that to happen, thousands of them will be needed. For example, to release the same amount of energy as a magnitude 6.2 earthquake, such as the one that occurred on Saturday, October 12, would require 63,095 magnitude 3 tremors.
This seismic activity is leftover energy from the 2012 earthquake. Terribly wrong
These events are occurring in a different area than the 2012 Samara earthquake. The current earthquakes were recorded 100 kilometers northwest of the Samara earthquake's epicenter, in a separate subduction zone (where one tectonic plate sinks beneath the other).
However, in the past, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale occurred in 1916, near the hotbeds of this week's seismic activity.
Historical fact:
The 7.0 magnitude earthquake on February 27, 1916, appears to have occurred about 25 kilometers off the coast, near Playas del Coco. Since the earthquake was old, it is more difficult to study. At the time, the country did not have tools like those we have today to pinpoint its exact location. The way we study historical earthquakes is through the effects they caused. It is likely that the epicenter of the earthquake was in the Papagayo Bay area.
The deeper the source of these tremors, the less impact they have. True, but…
Seismic waves lose energy as they travel through the Earth, and this principle applies to the depth of the rupture and the distance from the epicenter.
However, depth is just one factor in determining whether an earthquake causes damage. Other key factors include the size of the earthquake and the number of people exposed to it. If an earthquake occurs relatively close to a city, it is very likely to cause significant damage.
This area is more active than in previous decades or recorded periods. bloomer.
From 2015 to the present, the earthquake rate has remained fairly stable. However, what we do have is more data thanks to better tools and equipment that can detect even the smallest movements. This does not mean that more earthquakes will occur, but we are now able to record them more accurately.
Tremors in the ocean can trigger other tremors on land. True, but…
Sometimes, one earthquake can trigger another. In Costa Rica, we have no way of predicting this, but it has happened in the past. For example, the 6.0-magnitude Bagassis earthquake in 1941 occurred just four hours after the 7.3-magnitude Golfito earthquake that same year.
We currently cannot say whether the 6.2 magnitude earthquake on October 12 will trigger another one, but we cannot rule it out, as has been observed in the country's history.
Oceanic earthquakes caused tsunamis in Guanacaste. TRUE.
Guanacaste has experienced tsunamis. One of them occurred in 1992, due to an earthquake off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. It caused severe flooding in Playas del Coco and other coastal areas, but Costa Rica reported no casualties. Unfortunately, more than 170 people lost their lives in Nicaragua.
Sources 2/ https://vozdeguanacaste.com/en/guide-understand-recent-earthquakes-guanacaste/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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