The World Health Organization has confirmed that Egypt is free of malaria
The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified Egypt as a malaria-free country, marking a significant public health milestone for the country of more than 100 million people. This achievement follows a nearly 100-year effort by the Egyptian government and people to end the disease that has been present in the country since ancient times.
“Malaria is as old as Egyptian civilization itself, but the disease that plagued the pharaohs now belongs to their history, not the future,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general. “This confirmation of Egypt as a malaria-free country is truly historic and a testament to the commitment of the people and government of Egypt to rid themselves of this ancient scourge. I congratulate Egypt on this achievement, which is an inspiration to other countries in the region and shows what is possible with the right resources and the right tools.”
Egypt is the third country to be certified malaria-free in the World Health Organization's Eastern Mediterranean region after the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, and the first since 2010. Globally, a total of 44 countries and 1 territory have reached this milestone.
“Getting the malaria elimination certificate today is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of a new phase. We must now work tirelessly and vigilantly to maintain our achievement by maintaining the highest standards for surveillance, diagnosis and treatment, integrated carrier management and maintaining our efficient and rapid response to imported cases. Our sustained multi-sectoral efforts will be key to maintaining Egypt's malaria-free status,” said H.E. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt.
“I reaffirm that we will continue with determination and strong will to protect the health of all people in Egypt under the guidance of wise leadership and continue to improve our health system, it will remain a cornerstone in protecting the lives of all people living and visiting Egypt.”
A certificate of malaria elimination is issued by the WHO when a country has proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that the chain of indigenous transmission of malaria Anopheles mosquito control has been discontinued throughout the country for at least the previous three consecutive years. The state must also demonstrate the ability to prevent re-establishment of transmission.
Egypt's journey to elimination
Malaria has been found in Egypt as far back as 4000 BC, with genetic evidence of the disease found in Tutankhamun and other ancient Egyptian mummies.
Early efforts to reduce human-mosquito contact in Egypt began in the 1920s when the country banned the cultivation of rice and agricultural crops near homes. With the majority of Egypt's population living along the banks of the Nile River and malaria prevalence as high as 40%, the country declared malaria a notifiable disease in 1930 and later opened its first malaria control station focused on diagnosis, treatment and surveillance.
“Today, Egypt has proven that with vision, commitment and unity we can overcome the greatest challenges. This success in eliminating malaria is not only a victory for public health, but also a sign of hope for the whole world, and especially for other endemic countries in our region. This achievement is the result of sustained, strong investment in surveillance in a strong, integrated health system, where community engagement and partnerships have enabled progress. Furthermore, cooperation and support to endemic countries, such as Sudan, remains a priority,” said Dr. Hanan Balkhy, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean.
By 1942, malaria cases in Egypt had risen to more than 3 million as a result of population displacement during World War II, interruptions in the supply of medical equipment and services, and the invasion of Anopheles arabiensis, a very effective vector of mosquitoes, among other factors. Egypt managed to control the malaria epidemic by establishing 16 treatment units and employing more than 4,000 health workers.
The construction of the Aswan Dam, completed in 1969, created a new malaria risk for the country, as stagnant water created breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Egypt, in collaboration with Sudan, has launched a rigorous vector control and public health surveillance project to rapidly detect and respond to malaria outbreaks.
By 2001, malaria was firmly under control and the Ministry of Health and Population set a goal of preventing the re-establishment of local malaria transmission. In 2014, Egypt quickly contained a small malaria outbreak in Aswan province through early case detection, rapid treatment, vector control and public education.
Malaria diagnosis and treatment are provided free of charge to the entire population in Egypt, regardless of legal status, and health workers are trained throughout the country to detect and verify malaria cases, including across borders. Egypt's strong cross-border partnership with neighboring countries, including Sudan, was instrumental in preventing re-local malaria transmission, paving the way for the country to be officially certified as malaria-free.
Notes to the editor
Malaria-free WHO certificate
The final decision on granting a malaria-free certificate is made by the Director-General of the WHO, based on the recommendation of the independent Technical Advisory Group for Malaria Elimination and Certification. Learn more about WHO's malaria-free certification process.
Media contacts
WHO headquarters [email protected]
WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean: [email protected]
WHO Office for Egypt: [email protected]
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