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Romania and Bulgaria cooperate with the United Nations Development Program in Hatay earthquake recovery efforts

Romania and Bulgaria cooperate with the United Nations Development Program in Hatay earthquake recovery efforts


New initiatives support the revival of shoe production in Antakya and the rebuilding of the Saint George Orthodox Church in Alexandretta

23 October 2024, Hatay – Reviving livelihoods and restoring cultural heritage was in focus as UNDP today launched two initiatives aimed at boosting recovery in Hatay, the province that suffered most from the earthquakes that struck Turkey in February 2023. Funding was Both with a contribution of 700 thousand euros from Romania.

The first initiative supports the revival of Hatay's shoe industry, which before the earthquakes represented a third of Turkey's total shoe production. The disaster was particularly devastating for 470 shoemakers who were working at a small industrial site in Antakya; They lost their workplaces, their inventory, their inputs, and often their customers and employees.

To help restore production, UNDP today launched the construction of a joint-use facility for upper shoe producers at a site near the Hatay Fair, working in partnership with the Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency (DOĞAKA). Once completed, the facility will provide production space and modern machinery to improve quality and efficiency for displaced shoemakers who now toil in small containers. In addition, 160 shoemakers who were temporarily transferred to Reyhanli Organized Industrial Zone will have the opportunity to return to Antakya.

“Livelihoods are key to post-disaster recovery,” said UNDP Resident Representative Louisa Fenton. “Getting people back to work and businesses up and running again not only revives the income that families rely on to survive, it also helps restore the normal rhythms of community life that have been so grossly disrupted over the past 20 months.”

The Footwear Industry Initiative complements a US$1.62 million Swedish-funded program for the region's textile industry that was launched by UNDP on October 3, 2024 with the opening of an automatic fabric cutting facility for ready-to-wear fashion producers in Kahramanmaraş. Besides new infrastructure and machinery, UNDP is providing skills training, business development support and psychosocial counseling to textile, leather and footwear workers.

The second initiative launched today focuses on restoring the unique heritage of Hatay, where different religions and cultures coexisted for thousands of years – and where historic mosques, churches and temples suffered unimaginable destruction side by side in the disaster.

A ceremony in Alexandretta today marked the launch of the restoration of St. George Orthodox Church, a 450-year-old landmark that serves as a meeting point for Alexandretta's 3,000-strong Orthodox community. The church suffered severe structural damage to its walls, columns and roof during the disaster. With funding from Romania and an additional contribution from Bulgaria, UNDP is contributing US$550,000 to the reconstruction effort, as part of a larger “Save the Legacy” campaign dedicated to the restoration of cultural heritage.

“This region has become synonymous with successful cultural coexistence, diversity and tolerance,” Romanian Ambassador Stefan Alexandru Tinca said at the Iskenderun ceremony. “We sincerely hope that the physical reconstruction of cultural and social landmarks will play a role in restoring the vibrant identity of the area and encourage displaced residents to return to their homes.”

“Cultural heritage is a vital part of the community’s identity,” said Can Timur, head of the Iskenderun Orthodox Church Foundation. “The restoration of St. George’s Church helps us take a major step towards rebuilding a sense of normalcy after an unspeakable disaster. We are pleased to see our international partners committed to restoring the area in all its diversity.

“Hatay's heritage, quite simply, is world heritage, so everyone, everywhere benefits from its restoration,” said UNDP's Fenton. “With so many priceless historical treasures still in ruins in Antakya and throughout the affected region, we call for continued international solidarity.”

Bulgarian Ambassador Angel Cholakov said: “Bulgaria is proud to support the region affected by the earthquake, and we hope that St. George Church will return to its former glory soon.”

The Antakya Civilizations Choir, a multicultural ensemble representing the region's diverse religious denominations, performed a special concert at the church to mark the occasion.

For more information:

Deniz Ciller Tapan, Communications Specialist, UNDP Turkey, [email protected]




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