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Samragni Dasgupta for 'Earthquake' will be staged during the months of October and November in Bengaluru


Ennui Collective will present the play “Earthquake” performed by Yamuna Kali and Naman Roy. “It's an exploration of human connection, loneliness and the unspoken words that persist between them,” says Samrajni Dasgupta, who co-wrote the play with Marvin Krauss.

“Earthquake is an adaptation of a play I wrote with Marvin, called Bumikamba – das Erdbeben, which both mean earthquake in Bengali and German, respectively,” says the Bengaluru-based theater practitioner.

Initially working independently, Samrajny and Marvin later received an International Cultural Projects grant from the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich to work on together. “Our play premiered in Munich in December 2023 at the Partha S Theater,” says Samrajni, who also directed the play.

The play was originally written in English, German and Bengali and was later staged in English, Malayalam and Kannada/Hindi in Bengaluru, while the upcoming show in the city will be presented in English, Hindi and Kannada.

“With each performance, the play is adapted to the actor's native language and thus fits different cultural contexts while still focusing on the universal themes of interpersonal relationships. This is also because Marvin and I decided to write the play in a way that makes it adaptable to different languages ​​and, most importantly, to… Actors.

With each iteration, the characters, intent and even the ending change, depending on how the actors feel the truth of the story and their emotions, says Samrajni, who started learning theater at the age of six from Bengaluru-based actor, director and filmmaker, Keertana Kumar, and has been practicing it professionally throughout the years. the past five.

Samrajni and Marvin met on a farm in Bengaluru through a cross-cultural project called Border Busters. “We started talking about what it means to be brown or white in today's world. We also talked about how to address issues of intersectionality and vulnerability, as we need to be vulnerable with each other if we need to understand the other better.” Marvin decided to stay and travel through India, And then we decided to write this play.

Earthquake examines how we navigate the constant shift between connection and isolation. “The show at Shoonya will be presented using a black box stage, with the audience seated on all four sides of the performers. This blurs the line between stage and audience, immersing viewers in an intimate, unfiltered and uncomfortable conversation.”

The play invites you to witness the raw fragility of human connections, challenging our understanding of vulnerability and togetherness, says the writer-director, who founded Ennui Collective in June this year as a platform to promote any form of art.

Samrajni Dasgupta | Image source: special arrangement

Samrajni describes Marvin and herself as artistic people. “We had extensive discussions about loneliness, and how young people struggle to connect with others, especially after the pandemic. The play is also about two friends struggling to connect, and is written as conversations in a call-and-response format.

Regarding the collaboration with Marvin, Samrajni says: “What began as an exploration of cultural differences soon revealed deeper commonalities, a shared experience of unity and the complexities of human connection.”

Marvin is a freelance theater artist based in Munich who is currently studying documentary filmmaking, while 26-year-old Samrajne works with a consulting company with a focus on creating theater productions for corporate companies as well as writing plays for them.

Earthquake will be shown on October 27, at 7pm at Shunya Center for Arts and Somatic Practices, November 3, at 3.30pm and 7.30pm at Medai, Koramangala, November 5, at 7.30pm at Ranga Shankara, and November 10, at 7pm at Max Muller Bhavan. Tickets on BookMyShow.

Published – 26 October 2024 at 11:15 AM IST




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