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Israeli raids raise “fears of an earthquake” in the Lebanese border region

Israeli raids raise “fears of an earthquake” in the Lebanese border region


Beirut: The Israeli army continues its aggressive operations, causing destruction in the Lebanese border area.

Today, Saturday, the Israeli occupation forces found booby traps, while explosions were heard in Al-Adisa and Rab Al-Thaleen.

The attacks caused tremors in nearby towns, leading residents to believe that an earthquake had occurred.

Explosions were heard in Marjayoun and Nabatieh.

Activists on social media circulated pictures showing a large strip of explosions, fires, and smoke resulting from explosions along the border in the eastern sector.

The extent of the destruction in the border area remains unclear because access to the affected area is a challenge following the complete Israeli population displacement and entry ban due to military actions.

The Israeli army said, “The explosions in the north are the result of our forces' operations in southern Lebanon,” adding that “there is no fear of a security incident.”

Israeli sources added: “The authorities confirm that there was no earthquake in the Galilee region, but rather army explosions in southern Lebanon that activated seismic monitoring devices.”

The clashes continued as the 13th relief plane operated by the Saudi King Salman Relief Center arrived at Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut on Saturday, carrying basic humanitarian supplies including food and medical aid.

The officials said that the initiative reflects “the humanitarian role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in supporting the Lebanese people during various crises and hardships.”

A month has passed since Israel's war on Lebanon expanded under the pretext of repelling Iran-backed Hezbollah north of the Litani River and returning Israeli settlers to their homes.

The Israeli army claimed that it “found an underground tunnel and raided homes used as weapons and ammunition depots for Hezbollah.”

Political analyst Ali Al-Amin told Arab News: The Israeli army’s ground incursion is focused on Hezbollah’s tunnels, and the nature of the explosions proves this.

He added: “The Israeli army had previously bombed buildings in Muhaibib, and we did not witness such tremors because the operations were above the ground.”

He added: “The Israeli incursion depends on its costs. If the cost is high, you will stop. There is also the time factor.

“It is clear that the Israeli incursion went beyond Aita al-Shaab, for example, and reached other towns opposite Aita al-Shaab.

It appears as if the Israeli army is imposing an implicit siege on the towns into which the incursion was difficult, so that it can return later after Hezbollah's strength has been exhausted, especially since the armed group's supplies have been cut off.

Al-Amin pointed out that “the Israeli army had previously occupied southern Lebanon in the seventies and eighties of the last century without destroying its towns and displacing its residents in advance, which means that the Israeli army is seeking a completely burned land and a burned border strip in which all its lands are present.” Hezbollah’s infrastructure is destroyed.”

He added: “So far, there are no opportunities for an agreement, settlement, or de-escalation.

“I believe that decision-making in Lebanon is largely in the hands of Israel, with certain red lines set by the United States, especially regarding the airport and the capital, Beirut.”

Israeli air strikes on the southern region, on Saturday, led to the death of a number of civilians in the Sidon region.

Five members of the Aburia family, including women and children, were killed in an attack on the town of Al-Tufatha in Sidon district.

A paramedic was martyred and 12 others were injured in an air strike on a health center in Al-Bazuria, while two brothers from the Hamada family were martyred after their house in the town of Al-Duwair was targeted by an air strike and a raid on the city of Al-Bazuria. – Al-Shaitiyah resulted in the death of three people.

The raids also targeted homes in the towns of Kafr Rimin, Mifdoun, Burj Al-Shamali in the district of Tyre, Tir Dibba, Ansar, the heights of Jabal Al-Rihan, Al-Bisariyeh, Ansar, Badiyas, and the city of Nabatieh, where several targets were hit. Including the vocational school building in Nabatieh, where displaced families took refuge.

Phosphorous artillery shelling targeted the outskirts of the towns of Halta and Wadi Al-Khansa, and ignited fires in the Al-Majdal and Shamaa area, while Yahmar Al-Shaqif was targeted with internationally banned cluster bombs.

As of Friday night, in the Baalbek-Hermel region and the central Bekaa, the total number of strikes reached 961 raids, which led to the deaths of 427 people and the injury of 988 others.

Hezbollah said on Saturday that it launched a drone attack on the Israeli Tel Nof air base south of Tel Aviv, and targeted an intelligence base north of Safed with missiles.

Its statement stated that it targeted “the Kiryat Shmona settlement and an Israeli military gathering in the vicinity of Aita al-Shaab.”

The group also targeted a military gathering in the Masharafa area in Ras Naqoura and a gathering of soldiers in Shlomi.

The explosions and air strikes that targeted residential areas in the towns of the populated southern region, as well as in the southern suburbs of Beirut and the Bekaa Valley, were accompanied by the emission of odors after each bombing.

Warnings about these gases were disseminated through social media alerts by individuals who witnessed the events.

On Friday, Israeli air strikes targeted Haret Hreik, Burj al-Barajneh, and the Al-Laylaki area in the southern suburb of Beirut, after an Israeli warning to evacuate the buildings.

An Israeli army spokesman said that sites (used) for weapons production and the Hezbollah intelligence headquarters in the southern suburb of Beirut were targeted.

Meanwhile, Andrea Tenenti, spokesman for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, confirmed on Saturday that units of the peacekeeping force remain in their positions south of the Litani River.

He said that peacekeepers continue their basic mission of monitoring the situation on the ground and reporting developments, despite facing challenges.

He added: “When we say we are in our locations, we mean each of these locations.”

UNIFIL forces announced, on Friday, that its soldiers “withdrew, two days ago, from an observation point in the border town of Al-Dhahirah in the western sector to avoid injury after the Israeli army deliberately opened fire on it while peacekeepers were watching Israeli army soldiers carrying out military operations.” Disinfection operations in neighboring homes.”




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