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East Coast earthquakes


People across the states of Carolina and the Mid-Atlantic were literally shook on a Sunday morning when a 5.1-magnitude earthquake struck North Carolina on August 9, 2020.

What you need to know The second largest earthquake in North Carolina history was recorded on August 9, 2020, while uncommonly, earthquakes can occur in every state in eastern infrastructure that is more vulnerable in the east than along the west coast.

The earthquake, centered in Sparta, North Carolina, pushed groceries off the shelves and left many wondering when the next major earthquake might strike.

Things are on the floor of a grocery store after an earthquake on Sunday, August 9, 2020 in North Carolina.

Fault lines

Compared to the west coast, there are far fewer fault lines in the east. This is why earthquakes in the east are relatively uncommon and weaker in magnitude.

However, earthquakes still occur in the east.

According to Spectrum News meteorologist Matthew East, “Earthquakes have occurred in every eastern US state, and the majority of the states have recorded damaging earthquakes. However, they are very rare. For example, the Sparta earthquake was the strongest in North Carolina for more than 100 years. “

While nowhere is this close to the stretch of the West Coast, devastating earthquakes can affect a large portion of the eastern half of the country.

For example, the New Madrid Fault Line lies across the Tennessee River Valley. While it is smaller than those in the far west, the rift has successfully triggered several earthquakes of 7.0 magnitude in the past two hundred years.

In 1886, Charleston, South Carolina was hit by an estimated 7.0 magnitude over a previously unknown seismic zone. Almost the entire city had to be rebuilt.


The eastern half of the United States has its own set of vulnerabilities from earthquakes.

Seismic waves are actually traveling further to the east rather than the west coast. This is because the rocks that make up the East are tens, if not hundreds, millions of years older than they were in the West.

These ancient rocks had a much longer time to bond with other rocks under the tremendous pressure of the Earth’s crust. This allows seismic energy to travel between rocks more efficiently during an earthquake, causing the vibration to be felt much more.

That’s why, during the last earthquake in North Carolina, not only were the impacts being felt across the state, reports of the tremor reached Atlanta, Georgia, nearly 300 miles away.

Reports of vibrations from different earthquakes of the same magnitude.

Earthquakes in the east can be more damaging to infrastructure than in the west. This is generally due to the old buildings found in the east. It wasn’t until the mid-twentieth century that architects accounted for earthquakes in their designs for cities along the East Coast.

When a magnitude 5.8 earthquake struck Virginia in 2011, not only were many historic landmarks in Washington, DC damaged, shaking was reported up and down the East Coast with earthquakes reported in Canada.


There is no way to accurately predict when and where an earthquake might strike.

Some earthquakes will have a smaller earthquake preceding the initial earthquake. This is called a harbinger.

The problem, however, is that it is difficult to determine whether the anterior tremor is in fact a precursor tremor and not a primary earthquake. Only time will tell the difference

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is piloting early warning detection systems on the West Coast.

While this system cannot predict earthquakes before they happen, it can provide a warning tens of seconds in advance that shaking is imminent. This may provide enough time to find a safe place before the orgasms start.

Much like hurricanes, or snowstorms, earthquakes are a natural phenomenon for which we can prepare.

USGS provides an abundance of resources on the best way to stay safe when the Earth begins to earthquake.


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