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Drop, Cover, and Wait: Get 7 Tips to Prepare You and Your Family for an Earthquake |

Drop, Cover, and Wait: Get 7 Tips to Prepare You and Your Family for an Earthquake |



By Edward Henderson, California Black Media

This year's World Vibration Day was October 17th. Millions of people around the world have participated in earthquake drills at work, school or home. October also marks the 35th anniversary of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which devastated the Bay Area. That shock, which had a magnitude of 6.9, was responsible for 63 deaths and about 4,000 injuries.

Recently, Listos California, the state's disaster preparedness program, collaborated with Ethnic Media Services and California Black Media to provide vital information to help Californians prepare in the event of an earthquake.

“Preparedness can revolve around securing your space, developing an emergency plan, and minimizing post-accident hardship by organizing and putting important documents in their proper place,” said Amy Palmer, deputy director of crisis communications and public affairs for the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services. (CAL OES).

Experts say there are seven key safety steps to take to make sure you and your family are prepared for an earthquake:

Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items. Plan to be safe by creating an emergency plan. Organize emergency supplies in appropriate places. Reduce financial hardship by considering insurance and organizing important documents. Drop, cover and hold when it starts shaking. Improve safety after earthquakes by evacuating if necessary or helping others. Reconnect and restore everyday life by rebuilding community and reconnecting with others.

“We've had so many earthquakes this year that the statewide sensor system gives people a significant number of seconds before the shaking starts,” Palmer said. “The key for everyone in California is to make sure you know the phrase: ‘Drop, cover, and hold’ so you can take action when you get an alert on your phone, or when you feel the first signs of shaking.” “.

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To further prepare Californians for earthquakes, Cal OES hosted a tour focused on life-saving tips, including a simulator that can show the magnitude of an earthquake up to a magnitude 7.0.

“You need to take action when you feel shaking or receive an earthquake early warning alert, and that really means drop, cover and hold on,” said Jose Lara, chief of the Seismic Hazards Branch at Cal OES. “We really encourage you to practice this yourself with all your types of settings. Because without that muscle memory when vibration hits your location, you may not be able to take the protective action you need to stay safe.”

There are also many “myths” about earthquake survival that the campaign aims to debunk. The first is that standing at the entrance is a safe measure during an earthquake. This is not a safe measure due to modern building codes that have reinforced other areas in homes and commercial buildings. Another myth is that running outside is safer during an earthquake. Due to the risk of falling objects hitting you while you are out, running outside is not recommended.

If you are driving during an earthquake, best practice is to stop if you can and wait out the shaking inside your car while looking for fallen debris on roads in mountainous areas.

Another important tool, the MyShake app, connects users to an earthquake early warning system designed to give warnings to residents seconds before an earthquake begins.




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