Salyan earthquake victims left in lurch

A year after the devastating earthquake struck Jajarkot, Rukum West and Salyan districts, many victims in Salyan are still grappling with its aftermath, waiting in vain for promised relief funds to build temporary shelters. Despite local governments reporting damage, families in Salyan continue to face the harsh reality of insufficient support.
The earthquake, which struck the districts on November 3 last year with its epicenter in Jajarkot, destroyed more than 4,600 houses in Salyan, with Dharma Rural Municipality alone reporting 4,080 buildings damaged. However, among these families, only 1,680 families received the initial payment of Rs 25,000. In Kumakh Rural Municipality, only 129 out of 167 affected families received any aid, while in Bagshore Municipality, only 154 out of 380 families received the first payment. Many are still waiting for the second batch.
The government's promise to provide Rs 50,000 per family for temporary shelters did not materialize, leaving the victims facing a host of challenges. With reconstruction funds scarce, hundreds are still living in temporary shelters or in partially damaged homes.
Bimala Damai, a resident of Ward 5 of Dharma Rural Municipality, shared her ordeal, having borrowed money to build a temporary shelter in the hope of getting the promised funds. Constant delays have left her struggling to repay loans and deal with health issues.
Badam Bahadur Khatri, 55, also from Dharma, said he had lost hope of receiving aid. He criticized the government for providing only “token support” while neglecting the urgent needs of the victims.
Bahadur Damai of Lirabaga expressed frustration over the lack of attention paid to the victims of the Salyan earthquake, comparing their situation with that of those living in Jajarkot and Rukum. Despite the widespread devastation, he lamented that the victims only received pieces of tarpaulin as relief, a far cry from what is needed for proper reconstruction.
Many victims, like Damai, have resorted to hastily demolishing the upper floors of their damaged homes to create temporary shelters, anticipating relief funds and reconstruction budgets to follow. He said: “Without the distribution of promised aid, we will remain in a critical situation, living in partially collapsed homes.” “I had to repair the damaged ground floor of my house after the upper floors were demolished, and now I am struggling to live in what is left of it.”
Resham Bahadur Oli, chief administrative officer of Dharma Rural Municipality, said that despite submitting all necessary documents to the relevant authorities, hassles have hindered many earthquake victims from receiving relief funds for temporary shelters.
Of the 4,080 victims in Dharma, only 1,680 received the initial payment of Rs 25,000 and many are still waiting for any form of relief, he said. Although the government promised funds to rebuild damaged homes, only 30 million rupees were allocated to Dharma, primarily to rebuild schools and health facilities, leaving individual victims with little hope of assistance in reconstruction.
In Bagshore Municipality, acting chief administrative officer Hari Bahadur Kathiyat said that out of 380 affected homes, only 157 families received the first tranche of relief funds. With no further aid expected, many have begun repairing their homes themselves.
Shambhu Prasad Regmi, chief district officer and chairman of the district disaster management committee, said Rs 50.4 million had been disbursed as a down payment for 1,917 earthquake victims. However, he acknowledged that bureaucratic delays at the municipal level had left many victims without the funds to build temporary shelters.
Sources 2/ https://kathmandupost.com/karnali-province/2024/11/04/salyan-earthquake-victims-left-in-the-lurch The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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