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A monastic nun takes the first step toward sainthood

A monastic nun takes the first step toward sainthood


Home of the Matriarchy / Palestinian Authority

Sister Claire died in 2016

The sister of a Londonderry nun who died in an earthquake in South America eight years ago has spoken of her pride at having taken the first step towards sainthood.

Sister Clare Crockett was 33 when she died after a school collapse in Playa Prieta, Ecuador.

She has now been declared a servant of God by the Catholic Church, the first step towards being officially recognized as a saint.

“We are so proud. We could never have imagined this happening,” her sister Shona Gill told BBC Radio Foyle.

Sister Clare and another Irish nun injured in the quake, Sister Therese Ryan from County Limerick, were teaching guitar and singing with five young women – who were entering the religious order – when the quake struck.

They are believed to have been trapped on the stairs as they fled the building.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake killed at least 480 people, injured more than 4,000 others, and left 231 others missing.

The title “Servant of God” means that an investigation will now be opened in her life, which could lead to her being declared “venerable” and later beatified – the next steps towards sainthood.

The opening ceremony is scheduled to take place in Madrid in January 2023.

Mother's house

Sister Claire Crockett dreamed of being an actress in her younger years

About 50 people – including 10 members of Sister Clare's family – are planning to travel from Derry to Spain.

“It's a bit surreal, we've waited so many years until we made the decision that they were going to do this,” Ms Gill said.

Her sister said that Sister Clare did not initially want to become a nun, but instead dreamed of being an actress and having her name in the limelight.

Instead, she “gave up everything” to devote her life to the church.

How does a person become a saint?

There are a few steps required on the path to sainthood in the Catholic Church.

1) Wait a while

The process of making someone a saint cannot usually begin until at least five years after their death. But this waiting period can, in some circumstances, be waived by the Pope.

2) Be a servant of God

An investigation can then be opened to determine whether the person has lived his life holily enough. Evidence is collected, and if the case is accepted the individual is called a servant of God.

3) Show evidence of “heroic virtue”

The section that makes recommendations to the Pope regarding saints examines the evidence.

If the case is approved, it is transferred to the Pope, who decides whether the person has lived a life of “heroic virtue.” If so, they could be called “revered.”

4) A miracle happened

The next stage, beatification, requires that the miracle be attributed to the prayers offered for the individual after his death.

Incidents must be “verified” with evidence before they are accepted. After beatification, the candidate is given the title “Blessed.”

5) Sanctification

This is the final step in declaring the deceased person a saint. To reach this stage, the second miracle is usually attributed to the prayers offered to the candidate after his beatification.




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