San Jose Earthquakes name Bruce Arena as head coach and athletic director

The San Jose Earthquakes announced Thursday the hiring of Bruce Arena as head coach and athletic director.
Arena is the most accomplished coach in MLS history, leading the league in regular season wins (262) and MLS Audi Cup playoff wins (35). He has won five MLS Cups and four Supporters' Shields, as well as being named the Sigi Schmid MLS Coach of the Year four times.
This is Arena's fifth MLS club, with previous stops at D.C. United (1996-98), New York Red Bulls (2006-07), LA Galaxy (2008-16) and New England Revolution (2019-23). . He last worked in New England before resigning in September 2023.
Additionally, Arena led the USMNT to the 2002 and 2006 World Cup Finals and won three CONCACAF Gold Cup titles.
“Bruce is the most accomplished coach in the history of NFL football, and we are thrilled to bring him to San Jose,” said Managing Partner John Fisher.
“With an unparalleled track record at all levels of soccer in our country that includes multiple MLS Cups and Supporters' Shields, he is the perfect choice to lead the Earthquakes. We know he will help return the club to the level it was at and the Bay Area deserves to win games.” And competing for championships.”
The 73-year-old also held head coach/athletic director positions in Los Angeles and New England. This approach is uncommon in modern-day MLS, although it has been found at Sporting Kansas City (Peter Vermes) and Chicago Fire FC (Greg Berhalter).
With Arena's appointment, Chris Leach remains San Jose's general manager and will report to Arena.
“I'm very excited about the opportunity to come to San Jose,” Arena said. “I coached my first professional game at Spartan Stadium in 1996 – the first in MLS history – and my first international cap for the United States in 1998 was also in San Jose. The Earthquakes and Northern California have a proud soccer tradition.
He added: “There is a lot of potential in the club, and I look forward to working with everyone here to unleash this potential and get back to winning ways.”
Rebuilding awaits?
In 2024, San Jose conceded an MLS record 78 goals and finished last in the league standings (6W-25L-3D; 21 points). The club parted ways with Luchi Gonzalez in late June, and were then led by interim coach Ian Russell.
The Earthquakes last qualified for the postseason in 2023. They have missed the playoffs in all but three seasons since 2013.
The three players appointed to the club are Cristian Espinosa, Hernan Lopez and Carlos Gruizo. Amahl Pellegrino, Daniel and Rodriguez are other key players.
“Bruce has a deep understanding of the game and, over the course of his illustrious career, has demonstrated an uncanny ability to achieve great results,” Leach said.
“Having worked closely with him in the past, I know first-hand how he can build a winning culture within a team. I'm excited to work with him to get this team back into contention.”
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