The shaky video on social media does not show an 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Oregon

A video on social media claims to show footage captured when an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck the Oregon coast — but upon closer inspection, no one in the video appears to have been affected by the quake except the person holding the camera.
“Magnitude 8 earthquake hits Oregon coast…Help us,” a poster read in a November 1 post. The text included an emoji of praying hands, and the post's caption mentioned a verse from the Bible Book of Revelation.
The post was flagged as part of Meta's efforts to combat fake news and misinformation in its news feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram, and Threads.)
The video in the Topics post was reshared from TikTok on October 30. It aims to show the chaos when an earthquake violently shakes what appears to be a hotel. The TikTok user said it was filmed in Seaside, Oregon, a small beachside resort town on the state's northwest coast.
An earthquake occurred off the southern Oregon coast that day, but its magnitude was 6.0, not 8.0, USGS spokesman Paul Lustsen told PolitiFact in an email.
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Earthquakes are not uncommon in that region, so these earthquakes are likely not a sign of biblical prophecy, says the Threads post's caption. A USGS map shows that since 1924, 44 earthquakes of magnitude 6 or higher have occurred in an area including Oregon, northern California and Washington. The largest was 7.2 magnitude on June 14, 2005.
As of November 8, 1,357 people had filed a “felt” report with the USGS about the October 30 earthquake, meaning they felt the quake at their location. A USGS map shows that three of those responses were from Seaside.
But coastal city officials said they were not aware of any impact from the quake.
(Screenshot of threads)
“I read that a 6.0 earthquake was reported off the southern Oregon coast that day. I'm not aware that it was felt here in Seaside,” Mayor Steve Wright told PolitiFact.
“We didn't feel anything in Seaside. I didn't find out about it until later on the news,” City Manager Spencer Kyle said.
There is evidence to suggest that the video does not depict what he is saying, starting with the hotel where it was filmed. We checked the website of the City of Seaside Visitors Bureau and found four listings for hotels, motels and resorts.
None of them looked like the hotel shown in the video, which appears to be at least four stories high. Only one beachfront hotel — the Best Western Plus — was that high, but it didn't match the one in the video. It also does not have an outdoor pool or indoor courtyard like the one shown in the video.
Another clue that the video is not showing footage of the earthquake is that none of the furniture or items in the room are shaking while the camera is shaking violently. Water bottles and a coffee pot stay on the nightstand, and lamps stay in place on the bedside tables.
People can be seen relaxing in the pool, despite the supposed chaos surrounding them.
When the person with the camera heads down the hotel walkway, we see trees that were not affected by the supposed quake, a luggage bag, and a “wet floor” sign that somehow doesn't tip over because the ground is moving around it.
Voices speaking Japanese can be heard and people walking quietly into the hotel lobby.
We evaluate the claim that this video shows a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Oregon.
PolitiFact researcher Karen Bird contributed to these fact checks.
Sources 2/ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/nov/08/threads-posts/shaky-social-media-video-doesnt-show-80-magnitude/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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