Community News » Wellington Region conducts emergency drill for Alpine earthquake scenario

Press Release – Wellington District Emergency Management Office
Staff of the nine local councils in the area activated their emergency operations centers that day to exercise coordination together. Staff are exercising at the Regional Emergency Coordination Centre. (Photo/Supplied)
More than 500 staff from partner agencies and Wellington's nine district councils took part in Exercise Rū Whenua a Rohe this week – a scenario designed to simulate the response to a magnitude 8.2 earthquake on the Alpine Fault.
Research suggests that there is a 75% chance of an earthquake occurring in the Alpine region within the next 50 years, with an 82% chance of a magnitude 8 or higher.
If an earthquake occurs in the Alpine region, the Wellington region could face extensive damage to buildings, roads and essential services, with impacts greater than those experienced in the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake.
Wellington Civil Defense and Emergency Management Group Controller Charlie Blanche says the exercises provide an opportunity to test response plans and work together as a group.
Staff exercise at Kāpiti Coast District Council's Emergency Operations Centre. (Photo/Supplied)
“We regularly conduct exercises to strengthen relationships with councils and partner agencies,” says Blanche.
“Many people may not know that local council staff lead and coordinate emergency response during a major earthquake.”
Staff from the nine local councils in the area activated their emergency operations centers that day to exercise coordination together.
Several partner agencies with emergency response roles helped support this exercise, including GNS Science, MetService, New Zealand Police, New Zealand Fire and Emergency Services, Wellington Free Ambulance, New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, T. Watu Ora, Ministry of Labour. Social Development and Welfare Agencies, New Zealand Red Cross, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry of Primary Industries and Corrections, and National Emergency Management Agency.
Volunteers from New Zealand's response teams conducted simulated impact assessments in their communities while other volunteers supported displaced people across the region.
Staff exercise at Wellington City Council's Emergency Operations Centre. (Photo/Supplied)
In Porirua, members of the Waitangirwa community also participated by opening the local community emergency During the exercise, they practiced setting up the centre, solving problems locally and supporting each other, says Irene Failao-ah Kwe, a member of the Porirua community.
“We know that an earthquake is inevitable, not if, but when. We wanted our community to be trained to open our community emergency center so that we know how to operate and better serve our community,” says Irene Faylo-ah Kwe.
“The ultimate goal in such a scenario is to minimize the negative impacts on our communities and enable people to help each other in the first seven days after a major earthquake.” Blanche says.
Last month, the region witnessed a 5.7-magnitude earthquake, highlighting the importance of earthquake preparedness.
To learn how to prepare and stay safe during an earthquake, visit wremo.nz/earthquakes: https://www.wremo.nz/hazards/earthquakes/
These exercises took place in:
Wellington City Emergency Operations Center (operated by Wellington City Council) Lower Hutt Emergency Operations Center (operated by Hutt City Council) Upper Hutt Emergency Operations Center (operated by Upper Hutt City Council) Porirua Emergency Operations Center (operated by Porirua City Council) Kapiti Emergency Center Operations (managed by Kapiti Coast District Council) Wairarapa Emergency Operations Center (managed by a joint team of South Wairarapa District Council, Carterton District Council and Masterton District Council) Wellington District Emergency Coordination Center (managed by Greater Wellington) The activity was supported with a wide range of partner agencies involved in Regional coordination calls from its work sites.
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