More than 30% of Japanese youth are unaware of August's massive Nankai-true earthquake report: survey

Shinya Tsukada, center, director of the Japan Meteorological Agency's Department of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, and University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Naoshi Hirata, left, at a press conference in Tokyo's Minato district in August. August 8, 2024, after the “Additional Information on the Nankai Trough Earthquake” bulletin was issued. (Mainichi/Ririko Maeda)
TOKYO – More than 30% of people in their 20s and 30s in Japan were unaware that the government had issued a warning about a possible strong earthquake along the Nankai Basin off central-western Japan in August this year, according to a study by Nomura Research Institute Limited. Found.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announced the first ever additional information on the Nankai TRO (Large Earthquake Attention) earthquake after an earthquake registering below 6 on Japan's 7-point seismic intensity scale struck the Hyuga-Nada Sea off the coast of southwestern Japan. Miyazaki Prefecture on August 8.
Referring to the results of the latest survey, Nomura Research Institute commented: “It is necessary to send information through various media, including social media, to attract the attention of younger generations.”
Daily media reports fail to reach the young group
At the time of the warning, the JMA called on people to check disaster prevention information and review their preparedness in daily life over a week until August 15, on the basis that “the probability of a new large-scale earthquake in the presumed epicenter area of the Nankai Basin earthquake is considered higher than usual.”
During the advisory period, bullet trains on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line ran slowly on some sections, and limited bullet train services along coastal areas within the projected epicenter area were suspended. In addition, a number of events have been cancelled, including summer fireworks festivals. People flocked to supermarkets and craft stores where they bought bags of rice and bottles of water to stock up, leaving the shelves of those establishments temporarily empty. Newspapers and television stations were publishing news related to the earthquake day after day.
In an online survey of 50,000 people between the ages of 20s and 80s, conducted last September, participants were asked whether they were aware of the “Additional Information on Nankai Trough Earthquake” alert being issued. Among them, 24.2% said they were “unaware.” The percentage of those who say this tends to be greater among the younger generations, reaching 36.0% among those in their twenties and 31.8% among those in their thirties. Meanwhile, just under 90% of those in their 70s and over said they were “aware” of the ad.
Older generations are 'not interested' in massive earthquake advice
The survey asked some additional questions to nearly 5,000 people among those who said they were “aware” of the earthquake advisory announcement.
The primary source people learned about advertising was through television for all age groups. The second most common source is social media for those in their 20s only, and the Internet for those in their 30s and older. The Internet ranked third among people in their 20s, while social media ranked third for those in their 30s and 40s and newspapers for those in their 50s and above.
When asked how they felt when they heard the ad, where participants were asked to choose from 10 answer types including “concerned,” “surprised,” “skeptical,” and “not interested” and allowing multiple choices, “concerned” was the most Most popular answer for all generations, chosen by 65.0% of all participants.
While more than 70% of those in their 20s and 30s indicated anxiety, the percentage reached 50% for those in their 60s, 70s and older. The percentages of people who chose “skeptical” and “not interested” were highest among those over 60 years of age.
When asked how they would act in response to the publication of the earthquake warning, 43.7% of all participants said they did “nothing in particular.” The percentage of those who chose this answer was greater among older generations, including 50.2% of those in their 70s and older, compared to only 34.0% of those in their 20s. Participants who said they checked information about earthquakes and the Nankai Trough Earthquake Extra Information Bulletin represented 41.9% among those in their 20s, while this percentage stood in the 10% range among all people in their 60s and older.
Wakako Tachibana, a senior consultant at Nomura Research Institute, explained that even among those who were aware of the earthquake advisories, older people and those who lived alone tended to be skeptical of the information or not pay attention to it.
Send information about simple and specific measures
“Even if the government asks people to ‘check their preparedness in daily life,’” Tachibana noted, “those who do not prepare regularly will have no idea what to do. For example, instructions on what actions to take should be simple.” “Concrete, such as 'wear sneakers, not pumps' (in case of evacuation), and it is hoped that businesses and other organizations will work on disaster prevention measures to protect people without leaving anyone out.”
(Japanese original by Atsuko Ohta, Digital News Group)
Sources 2/ https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20241107/p2a/00m/0na/023000c The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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