Impact of Covid-19 Measures on Vulnerable Communities in Earthquake Affected Areas – Needs Assessment Report – Nepal
Executive summary
Every third family lost their income across Nepal due to COVID-19, in earthquake affected areas, it accounts for 87% of families
In May 2020, People in Need (PIN) and the Community Self-Reliance Center (CSRC) conducted a multi-sector needs assessment in 21 counties to assess the impact of measures related to COVID-19 on the lives of vulnerable communities affected by the 2015 earthquake.
The main findings from the needs assessment show the following:
65% of households reported low market access; 54% of households with access to the market cannot purchase as usual. 65% faced food shortages, of which 51% had a food supply of 2.5 weeks or less. 11% reduced their daily food intake for at least one day. 61% rely on skilled or unskilled daily wage work as their main source of income. 87% have experienced low income or are currently without any income at all; 45% reported no job opportunities or limited unskilled labor as one of the reasons. 53% took out a loan as a key strategy to counteract a lack of income. (M49% F 60%) 65% stated that they cannot purchase goods as usual due to low income. 81% cited loss of income as the biggest problem they currently face due to the lockdown and COVID-19. 59% said they felt stressed, anxious, or anxious during the lockdown, with 13% of respondents reporting an increase in gambling and alcohol use in their community. There were also a few cases of desertion that led to child marriage.
According to a recent assessment on the impact of COVID-19, 30% of families across Nepal reported lost income due to COVID-19, compared to 87% of people the PIN and CSRC teams spoke to. This disproportionate impact on earthquake-affected communities highlights their precarious socio-economic situation, in particular the reliance on the local informal economy and the difficulties in finding alternative sources of livelihoods in times when traditional options for trade in skilled or unskilled labor are suddenly unavailable.
Moreover, a number of fundamental structural weaknesses have made these communities less resilient to withstanding the shocks of COVID-19 measures. This includes the inability to rebuild the shelters that were damaged five years ago due to a combination of factors:
Physically: families led by elderly people with limited physical abilities, families headed by women / lonely, families with large numbers of dependents, or family members with a disability. Economic: cyclical indebtedness and exploitation at the hands of local moneylenders. : Earthquake-affected communities who still live in areas at risk of seasonal landslides.
These vulnerabilities are felt most acutely by the Chibang, Dalit, and Janajati communities, as the current crisis continues to increase deep social and economic inequalities and social exclusion based on historical and systemic marginalization.
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