Caritas in Cuba brings 'love and solidarity' to victims of successive earthquake and hurricane

Catholic relief workers in Cuba are responding to successive natural disasters on the island, after a hurricane and earthquake hit the island within four days of each other.
On Nov. 10, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook the eastern end of the island, with its epicenter about 25 miles south of the town of Bartolome Masso, the US Geological Survey said. Tremors could be felt in cities such as Santiago de Cuba, the country's second largest city, and Guantanamo.
Firefighters inspect the wreckage of a house during a power outage after Hurricane Rafael knocked out the country's electrical grid, in Havana, Cuba on November 7, 2024. Caritas workers in Cuba respond to people's needs after the island was hit by an earthquake and a hurricane within four days while reeling from disasters precedent. (OSV News Photo/Norelis Perez, Reuters)
There have been no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage due to the quake so far, but Cuba is still struggling to recover after Hurricane Rafael hit the island on November 6.
Caritas of the Diocese of Pinar del Río, part of Caritas International, the official humanitarian aid network of the Catholic Church, said in a Facebook post on November 8 that the Category 3 storm left an “indelible mark” on the island. “The devastation took the form of fallen trees, destroyed homes and toppled electricity poles.”
Cuban authorities reported that 461 homes collapsed in the wake of Hurricane Rafael, which forced the evacuation of more than 283,000 people across the country, including 98,300 in Havana alone. Pictures published by the media showed residents wading through flooded streets with their pets and belongings.
Both disasters followed Hurricane Oscar, which struck Cuba on October 21, killing at least six people. The Category 1 storm made landfall amid island-wide power outages resulting from the October 18 thermal power plant collapse in Matanzas, another blow to Cuba's failing power grid, which has seen regular 15- to 20-hour power outages.
In its Facebook post, Caritas Pinar del Río said its team “responded to this situation with speed and humility,” with Director Jose Vincente Concepcion and his staff visiting the affected areas “to assess the damage…activate Caritas parish groups and start as soon as possible” to identify “vulnerable families.” “affected” in the wake of Hurricane Rafael.
“We also sent a message of solidarity and encouragement (in) this mission,” the agency said. “Every hug shared with workers and volunteers is a reminder that together we can meet this challenge.
“In times of crisis, love and solidarity are crucial to help rebuild what has been lost,” the agency said in its post. “We are confident that through collective effort, paths to recovery and hope will be opened.”
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