Denim Soul: Neil Young and the Earthquake | opinion
I was a sophomore at a very small college, sitting in my room on the third floor of a 19th-century building, when my world began to shake. Literally, the building shook.
I was sitting in a rickety old leather chair with headphones on, listening to Neil Young's “After the Gold Rush” when the needle passed through the vinyl. What the heck?
I happened to peek out the window and saw a crowd of people gathered below on the sidewalk looking up. I opened the window and shouted: What's happening? “earthquake!” The shouts came from below.
Haha imagine that and then you sat down and played the song again from the beginning:
“Well, I dreamed I saw the knights in armor coming and saying something about the Queen… Look at Mother Nature running away in the 19th century…” Or as Dolly Parton, Emmylou Harris and Linda Ronstadt sang in their version, “The 20th century.”
Since then, 50 years ago, this Neil Young song has become a favorite and often haunts seismic moments that have affected my personal life history as well as events in the world around me. No one, including Neil Young – according to Dolly who asked him (americansongwriter.com) – knows for sure what that means. Like a painting, sculpture, or poem, it hovers defenseless before the translating audience:
“…I was lying in a burning basement with the full moon in my eyes, and I was hoping for an alternative when the sun exploded in the sky…”
So Neil, Dolly, Linda, and Emmylou, in their different versions, were singing to me last week in what looked like post-election ruins. Like the song, the results are all open to interpretation. Millions celebrate and millions grieve, each with an intensity markedly different from most elections. A full cradle of emotions wraps itself around my head as Young's haunting moan sings, “All in a dream, all in a dream starting to load…”
My interpretation of events is biased by the promised deportations, the expected withdrawal from NATO and support for Ukraine, the threat of trade wars, pardons for criminals, the permitting of civil violence, and general misogynistic rhetoric. It makes me expect to empty out the security of so many people I care about, the sacred ground as in Jung's song images. However, it is still possible to go to the lake and look out over the water where earth and sky meet, and get lost in the beautiful complexity of this magnificent ecosystem.
Storms rage, bringing death to the ancient willow trees, drowning entire civilizations of insects and creatures that live in the soil along the banks that form the beach. Foxes and coyotes kill small mammals and disperse geese, while thousands of hunters have no impact on deer numbers. Leaves wither and break under our feet, annual birds fly away, some dying before they can return. “Look at Mother Nature running away” in the 21st century.
We will see what comes next, what to resist and how, and where change is natural and with it the promotion of new life. And through it all, I will continue to listen to Neil Young as more is revealed. In the meantime, I encourage you to stay in touch with those you love and pace yourself.
Sources 2/ https://www.fltimes.com/opinion/denim-spirit-neil-young-and-the-earthquake/article_db2707c6-a101-11ef-93c7-270cc1cc39ac.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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