Critical landmarks for earthquake building audits
Fairer and more sensible rules on earthquake risk management are a step closer with the passage of legislation and the appointment of an independent chair to provide expert advice, says Building and Construction Minister Chris Pink.
“The government is committed to revitalizing our cities and regions to support economic growth, while also recognizing the life safety risks posed by earthquakes. However, the experience of many building owners under current earthquake building conditions has been the worst of both worlds: earthquake-prone buildings are not repaired and strengthened.” , and are not being demolished and replaced, with significant costs associated with inaction.
“For this reason, the government is undertaking a comprehensive review of seismic building preparations and has appointed an independent chair and advisory team to provide expert advice.
“I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Erica Civil has been appointed as Independent Chair and earlier this month chaired her first meeting with the Advisory Committee.
“As the review progresses, the Government has passed legislation to extend the deadline for repairing earthquake-prone buildings by four years.
“The Building Amendment (Deadlines for Earthquake-Vulnerable Construction and Other Matters) Bill, which passed third reading today, provides temporary relief from compliance and enforcement challenges.
“The decision to extend remediation deadlines was not taken lightly, but it makes no sense to require building owners to comply with standards that are likely to change once the review is completed. The extension is about providing building owners with as much clarity and certainty as possible in the meantime.
“The appointment of an independent chair and advisory committee will ensure that the settings review is fair and comprehensive. New Zealanders can trust that the review will take into account the full range of evidence and reflect the voices of building owners, drawing on specialist and sectoral knowledge.”
“Dr Civil has a degree in engineering and a PhD in risk management, and has advised organizations here and abroad on how to prepare for and respond to crises. Dr Civil is currently serving her third term as a Commissioner on the Board of the Natural Hazards Commission and is a Director of the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ ).
“Dr. Civil leads an advisory committee consisting of 10 nominated representatives from both public and private organizations in the building, construction and real estate sectors.
“I look forward to receiving recommendations from the review and implementing practical solutions that will provide a safer and more certain future for building owners and the public.”
Notes to editors:
The public is invited to provide comments and share their opinions on the effectiveness of the current earthquake risk management system here. This feedback will be considered as part of the review.
More information about the Earthquake Vulnerable Buildings Review and the Steering Group can be found on the MBIE website here
Sources 2/ https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/critical-milestones-earthquake-buildings-review The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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