An earthquake was reported near Ladson, South Carolina

An earthquake was reported near Ladson, South Carolina
Updated: 9:19 a.m. ET on November 21, 2024
And it's time to spread the news. We begin with the parole hearing of convicted murderer Susan Smith. Isabel Mark lives in Union County. Isabelle. Aaron and fate. This parole hearing was the first time we had heard from Susan Smith in 30 years. Now, the Union County mother killed her two sons, three-year-old Michael and 14-month-old Alex, in 1994. She was sentenced to life in prison after a series of emotional testimony, including from her ex-husband and father of Michael and Alex David Smith, The parole board denied Suzanne parole. Ultimately, to me, that's only 15 years per child. Her children. This is not enough. Susan Smith joined the hearing virtually from prison, saying she sought mental health and learned new skills while in prison. When the board denied parole, they cited the seriousness of Susan's crime and her behavior behind bars. David says he will continue to fight for justice for his children as part of their legacy, and he will have to do it again in two years because Susan will be available for parole every two years for the rest of her life. Reporting directly here at the Union. I'm Isabel Mark at WYFF NEWS FOUR. Thank you. Isabelle. We have more about Susan Smith's case and her parole hearing on WYFF4.COM, and you can also visit the WYFF4.COM mobile app. Now on to breaking news in Greenville. One person died after a house fire. This is according to deputies. It happened around midnight on Spring Street, and deputies say they received a call to 911. When they got there, they found a dead man inside the home. The fire has been extinguished, but the investigation continues and deputies are searching for the suspect. They ask anyone with any information to contact Crime Stoppers at 86423 CRIME. Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System will be out of contract with CIGNA at the end of the year. The two have been in negotiations for more than six months. The Spartanburg District says the contract affects disease, commercial plans and the members covered by those plans. They say CIGNA patients will still have access to Spartanburg Regional Hospitals, regardless of their status with CIGNA. But without a contract after January 1, patients may have to pay higher out-of-network costs. The current agreement will expire on December 31. FEMA is hosting a Farm and Forest Restoration Resource Day in Greenville today. The Resource Fair is an opportunity for farmers, forest landowners and community members to receive Hurricane Helen aid. We've been told that more than 20 state and federal agencies will be available. It's 2 to 7 p.m. at Greenville Tech. 648 is your time. And with Black Friday just around the corner and Cyber ​​Monday just about a week away, many of you are likely doing some online shopping for the holidays. I am one of those. Yes, all of us. ARCTIC JET PHOENIX joins us live this morning with tips to protect your packages from theft. Taniqua. Yes. Online shopping is very popular and convenient, but unfortunately, thieves take advantage of it. But there are ways to protect yourself. Now, if you look at this video, you actually see someone impersonating an Amazon delivery person, but they're actually stealing the package. package to reduce the risk of theft. Experts recommend signing up for tracking notifications that require a signature upon delivery, or choosing to have your package dropped off at the store. Or you can even have it delivered to an Amazon pickup location like the one inside Essentials here. Whatever you do, you want to protect yourself and the pack and communicate with local law enforcement. If you notice anything suspicious. Currently, reporting live in Greenville, TANIQUA PENNIX WYFF NEWS FOUR. Good. Taniqua, thank you. Well, your Thanksgiving dinner will cost you less this year. According to the American Farm Bureau's annual Thanksgiving poll, the average cost of this year's dinner for ten is $58, which is down 5% from 2023, but still 19% higher than before. The epidemic. The turkey, the centerpiece of the meal, helped keep the overall cost down. According to the federation, the average price of a 16-pound turkey is $25. Five state charities have been named Angels for 2024. The South Carolina Secretary of State released that list on Wednesday, and on the list, CLIFFS RESIDENTS OUTreach Incorporated in TRAVELERS REST LAWRENCE COUNTY is established. Safe house in Lawrence. Mary Sunshine House in downtown. Play safe in Anderson. And PS, I love Ministries in Spartanburg. We're told that all charities are selected based on the resources they pour into their communities. Hey, good morning. 650 Happy Thursday. We have a winter weather advisory for the mountains starting tonight through early Saturday morning. The first flurries and light snow of the season are just around the corner. And by the way, here's how to move it here. This area of ​​low pressure in the Midwest will continue to move south until parts of western North Carolina get a little snow again. Starting tonight, the Upstate will remain clear and dry. Some of those winds will pick up this afternoon. A temperature of 55 degrees will make it feel like the 40s. Sometimes. So wear your coat and sunglasses today for the mountains. Look at that. We started in the 1930s. We're going to top out in the 40s. That's sustained winds for 2020 of 1 mile per hour. This afternoon. This wind strength will be closer to 40 degrees. So, it'll make it look like the 1930s too. So collect it. We'll take a look at the weekend and some changes for next week. I'll have it all for you in no time. First, let's get you outside. Get updated on those methods. What does it look like? Hey, not really. Well, for our drivers out there trying to head near Spartanburg, take a look at this accident now. An exclusive look from SKY FOUR. It's near Exit 66, Interstate 29. There's an accident in the left lane. You can see that traffic is blocked and there is a reserve distance of about three miles. Once we keep zooming in, you'll see how far the traffic extends out there. So again, if you're heading toward I-85 south on Highway 29, avoid the area or at least have a lot of patience until that area decides to evacuate. We will continue to update you throughout the morning. Let's take a look at travel times as well. I 242 Asheville Expressway, 11 minutes. From the airport to Woodruff Road, a six-minute drive, from Fairview Road to downtown 13 The NCAA men's soccer tournament begins today, and for the first time since 2018, it will feature the Furman Paladins, who won three straight road games to capture the Socon title. title, all while starting six freshmen. this year. They don't know fear. They don't care who they play. They don't care where they play. They just enjoy teamwork. I really love the bond the guys have together and the leadership group that we've really come together. If anyone scores, we all score. If anyone makes a save, the goalkeeper group always joins in and cheers everyone on. This is the real key to success. Head Coach Doug Allison and the Paladins will face UNC and Chapel Hill today 525 years to the day after they last met, A21 overtime. Furman won during the NCAA Tournament in 1999. Well, North Greenville University hosts the Helen Relief Bowl tomorrow. They are partnering with two different organizations for a clothing and toy drive, which will benefit children in Western North Carolina. Admission to the football game is free, but attendees are encouraged to bring toys and children's clothing to donation sites set up around the stadium. Kick-off at 605 tomorrow. The 2025 Coachella lineup is here. Lady Gaga, Travis Scott, Green Day and Post Malone will headline the Desert Festival. Missy Elliott, Megan Thee Stallion, Charli XCX, and Benson Boone are also set to perform among many other artists. This will be the 24th Coachella festival held at the Empire Polo Grounds in California. You will do it
An earthquake was reported near Ladson, South Carolina
Updated: 9:19 a.m. ET on November 21, 2024
An earthquake was reported in South Carolina's Lowcountry on Wednesday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. (Video above: Morning headlines from WYFF News 4) The 1.04 magnitude earthquake was confirmed in Centreville, South Carolina, near Ladson. It was reported at 7:35 p.m. This is just one of many earthquakes reported across the state in the past few months.
Centreville, South Carolina –
An earthquake was reported in South Carolina's Lowcountry on Wednesday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
(Video above: Morning headlines from WYFF News 4)
A 1.04 magnitude earthquake was confirmed in Centreville, South Carolina, near Ladson.
Posted at 7:35 p.m
Emergency Management Department of the Supreme Committee
This is just one of many earthquakes reported across the state in the past few months.
Sources 2/ https://www.wyff4.com/article/earthquake-reported-near-ladson-south-carolina/62975418 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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