Vancouver Era Tour: Will Swifties cause an earthquake?

There's definitely going to be a lot of seismic activity when Taylor Swift comes to Vancouver.
Taylor Swift's fans have been known to shake it off during her concerts, and with more than tens of thousands of Swifties in Vancouver next month, experts are predicting seismic activity.
Fans of all ages will head to BC Place for three Eras Tour shows on December 6, 7 and 8.
John Cassidy is a seismologist with Natural Resources Canada and says it's a great question whether Swifties will cause an earthquake.
“We get asked about that,” Cassidy says.
An earthquake is the sliding of fault zones, which may cause the ground to shake. Cassidy says there will likely be seismic activity and ground shaking, but there will be no earthquakes.
Ground shaking can be detected by seismometers, which contain shim technology and are often fixed to the ground. Cassidy tells Glacier Media that anything that shakes the ground has the potential to be detected by seismometers.
“These seismometers can also record passing ships, wind gusts, sonic booms, and low-flying aircraft,” he says.
Where you are at the party will determine how much ground vibration is felt.
“These parties, especially the Taylor Swift concert, with so many people in a small area, jumping up and down, dancing, clapping, generates some powerful signals,” Cassidy says.
During Seattle's “Shake It Off,” the Swifties' synchronized jumping and swinging caused the ground at Lumen Field to shake. More than 70,000 fans attended the ceremony, which at the time set a record for attendance at the stadium.
Seismologist Jacqueline Kaplan Auerbach studied the ground shaking during Taylor Swift's two Seattle concerts in July 2023. She also works as a geology professor at Western Washington University.
At the same location, an NFL game in 2011 triggered a seismic signal that became known as the “monster quake.” Kaplan Auerbach discovered that the maximum shaking during a Taylor Swift concert exceeded a monster earthquake.
“We showed that the strongest seismic signals are associated with fan behavior, and concluded that the fans at the Taylor Swift concert were indeed the main cause of the ground shaking,” says Kaplan-Auerbach.
NFL Beast Quake was shorter in duration and about 2.5 times weaker in amplitude than Taylor's version of Beast Quake.
Kaplan-Auerbach found that thousands were in the stadium for the concert, where their energy could mingle directly with the ground, while soccer fans were mostly confined to the stands.
Cassidy explains that BC Place is built on relatively soft soil, and there are rocks not too far below. Sound can also affect the amount of ground shaking people will feel.
“There's an opportunity here, some science and some engineering, that can come from this,” he says. “You learn how buildings, people and sound waves interact and how local soil conditions can contribute to it all.”
The closest seismic station to BC Place is Queen Elizabeth Park, about four kilometers away. Cassidy doesn't think much of the ground shaking will be felt far away.
The city will monitor noise complaints
A City of Vancouver spokesperson says they're thrilled to have Taylor Swift coming to Vancouver.
“We know how much fans are looking forward to 'Enchanted' night,” says the spokesperson.
“We want everyone to have an unforgettable experience, enjoy the concert and celebrate together. At the same time, we realize that concerts can cause more noise.”
The City of Vancouver will monitor noise complaints and says it is up to event organizers to follow the city's noise bylaws.
A BC Place spokesperson told Glacier Media, “BC Place works closely with event organizers to ensure events on and off the field comply with City of Vancouver bylaws.”
Fans are ready for it
Tatiana Correia is attending the second night of the Vancouver concert on December 7 with her nieces and she's prepared when it comes to the noise.
“We would have a lot of fun noticing any vibration,” she says.
She considers herself a Swiftie and has attended over seven concerts. Corea started listening to Swift when she was 15 years old.
“We're six months apart, so I feel like I've really grown with her,” Correa says. “Every day we put it on our playlist here at work. I'm in the .005% of listeners on Spotify.”
Besides her music and poetic lyrics, Corea's love for Taylor runs deep.
“She allowed us to be whimsical and silly and unapologetically love being Swiftie and her music…and that's what totally appealed to me.” [in]“I think this attracts millions and millions of people,” she says.
“It brings people together, from kids to 80-year-olds.”
In order to secure tickets, Correa asked 30 people to sign up for the pre-sale. It wasn't until the second ticket was issued that the tickets registered in the fifth row on the floor.
“It's very special because I took my eldest niece, who is now in her 20s, to her first concert when she was 10,” she says.
This time, she'll be taking her 11- and 13-year-old nieces to their first concert.
“It's serendipitous that I've been able to share this not with one of my nieces, but now with all of them, which is really special,” Correa says.
The superfan adds that each ticket costs $1,100.
“The experience is more important than any dollar it could ever be to see it,” she says.
She hopes her biggest dream of attending the final show on December 8 will come true, if she can get a ticket.
Corea says Taylor Swift prices her tickets so people can attend her shows, with the lowest price being $49, but reselling tickets is causing some to miss out.
“With reselling, what that means is that you don't necessarily have the biggest fans that come to her concert. You have the people who can attend the concert. So it's unfortunate.”
On Wednesday, the cheapest ticket on Stubhub for the December 8 show was listed at $3,247; The most expensive was $17,207. For its Dec. 7 show, the cheapest ticket was $2,598 and the most expensive was $23,254.
When it comes to noise, Korea plans to wear earplugs to protect her ears.
“It's very loud. People are very excited and emotional. So I expect it to be very loud,” she says.
Being at the party is an inexplicable feeling for the Vancouver resident.
“It's almost like community therapy,” she says. “I hope everyone has the best night.”
[email protected]
X/Alana Kelenius
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