The first global conference on oral health emphasizes universal coverage of health services by 2030

Delegations from more than 110 countries gathered to draw up national plans and negotiate a joint declaration on oral health at the first global meeting on oral health organized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The declaration is expected to outline the collective obligations of member states to speed up implementation Global strategy and action plan for oral health 2023–2030.
Oral diseases are the most common non-communicable diseases (NCD) in the world, affecting an estimated 3.5 billion people. Oral health is often misunderstood as only dental health, ignoring its wider importance. Oral diseases include tooth decay or cavities, gum disease, tooth loss, oral cancer, noma, and birth defects, which affect the mouth, teeth, and facial structures necessary for eating, breathing, and speaking.
“Oral health is an important part of well-being, but millions of people lack access to the services they need to protect and promote oral health,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO. “WHO calls on all countries to prioritize prevention and expand access to affordable oral health services as part of their journey towards universal health coverage.”
This revolutionary event, hosted by the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand, is part of the preparatory process for Fourth UN high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases (4th UN HLM on NCDs) 2025. It aims to accelerate progress towards UHC, reaffirm political commitments made by Member States and promote implementation Global strategy and action plan for oral health 2023–2030.
“Oral health is a key aspect of overall health and Thailand is proud to host this important global meeting,” said H.E. Mr. Somsak Thepsutin, Minister of Public Health in Thailand. “Our commitment to universal health coverage includes ensuring that all citizens have access to quality oral health services and promoting prevention throughout our communities, strengthening our commitment to improving health outcomes for all.”
The key outcomes of the meeting – the Bangkok Declaration on Oral Health – will inform the WHO Director-General's report for the 4th.th UN HLM on NCDs in 2025, ensuring better recognition and integration of oral diseases into the future global NCD agenda.
The declaration seeks to guarantee oral health as a fundamental human right. It recognizes that improving access to affordable oral health care cannot be achieved without its integration into primary health care and UHC packages.
A new global oral health coalition is expected to be announced during the meeting, with the goal of fostering partnerships to increase the reach and effectiveness of oral health initiatives worldwide.
Delegations from member states, UN agencies, international organizations, philanthropic foundations, civil society organizations and other stakeholders dedicated to improving oral health, NCDs and UHC programs are participating in the first WHO global meeting on oral health.
Note to editors:
The Global strategy and action plan for oral health 2023–2030 provides a framework to address challenges in oral disease prevention and control, promote oral health within the NCD agenda and ensure that essential services are available without financial hardship as part of the UHC initiative. It lists six strategic goals, 100 actions and 11 global targets aimed at reducing the burden of oral diseases, which significantly contribute to the global NCD crisis.
For more information and to watch the meeting, visit World Health Organization Global Meeting on Oral Health Events website.
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