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Buildings were damaged and train services were halted after a M6.4 earthquake struck Japan's Noto Peninsula

Buildings were damaged and train services were halted after a M6.4 earthquake struck Japan's Noto Peninsula


The earthquake occurred at 13:47 UTC (22:47 UTC) on Tuesday 26 November, with its epicenter about 30 kilometers (18 mi) west of the Noto Peninsula, at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.2 mi).

Train services on the Hokoriko Shinkansen Line between Toyama and Kanazawa were temporarily suspended as a precaution, while the Shika Nuclear Power Plant (operated by Hokoriko Electric Power Company) reported no disruption. Both reactors at the plant have been out of service since 2011.

One injury was reported in the town of Tsubata in the Kahoku District of Ishikawa Prefecture, where a 72-year-old woman was injured by falling debris, according to the local government.

There was also minor damage such as falling objects and searches were carried out of old buildings.

The JMA did not issue any tsunami warnings, and officials reported only slight changes in sea level along Japan's coast.

The agency recorded more than 75 aftershocks, most of which ranged in magnitude between 3 and 4 degrees.

Local authorities are monitoring areas prone to landslides, especially in light of the recent heavy rains.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that 1.3 million people experienced moderate shaking (intensity V) and 86,000 felt strong shaking (intensity VI).

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The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) initially reported M6.6 and later revised its magnitude to 6.4.

The US Geological Survey and the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) reported that the earthquake had a magnitude of M6.1 and M6.4 at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Authorities have warned people to be careful of secondary risks such as landslides and soil liquefaction that are common in this area due to its geology.

Local governments advised residents to review safety plans and keep emergency supplies ready, as aftershocks are expected in the coming days.

This was one of the strongest seismic events in the region since the M7.6 earthquake on Monday, January 1, 2024, which resulted in more than 440 deaths, 168,822 buildings damaged, and widespread infrastructure damage. The earthquake caused aftershocks that continued for weeks, leaving the region in a delicate state of recovery.

In the city of Suzhou, where a seismic intensity of 4 was recorded, there were concerns about buildings damaged in the January earthquake and still awaiting demolition.

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Seismic experts, including Professor Kenji Stataki of the University of Tokyo's Earthquake Research Institute, say the current quake is part of a series of aftershocks linked to the January event. They observed different fault mechanisms between the two that illustrate the complexity of tectonic activity in this region.

Detailed earthquake report – 11/26 At approximately 10:47 p.m., a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred off the coast of western Ishikawa Prefecture at a depth of 10 km. The maximum intensity was -5. There may be some change in sea level, but there is no concern about damage. #Earthquake

– NERV (@EN_NERV) November 26, 2024

The Noto Peninsula lies on the western edge of the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” a tectonically active area where four major plates meet. Japan experiences about 1,500 earthquakes every year, accounting for about 18% of the world's seismic activity.

While modern building codes help reduce damage, older structures, especially heavy wood framing and reinforced masonry, are still vulnerable during strong earthquakes.


1 Fairly strong earthquake hits central Japan – The Japan Times – November 27, 2024

2M6.1 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan – USGS – November 26

M6.1 Earthquake Noto Peninsula, Japan – EMSC – November 26, 2024

Article writer profile

Rishika holds a Master's degree in International Studies from Stella Maris College, Chennai, India, where she received a Gold Medal, and an MCA from Mysore University, Karnataka, India. She previously worked as a Research Assistant at the National Institute for Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. During her tenure, she contributed as a junior writer to Europe Monitor on the world politics website and as an assistant editor for The World This Week. Her works have also been published in The Hindu, demonstrating her expertise in global affairs. Rishika has also received the District Level Women Empowerment Award in Haryana, India, in 2022.




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