A magnitude 4 tremor strikes south of the northeastern rift zone on Mauna Loa: The Big Island now

Doug Enz didn't immediately put two and two together when the ground shook beneath him Saturday morning at his Volcano home. He thought instead he would make a call about a problem in his garage.
“This happened exactly as I was opening my garage door,” Enez wrote in response to a post in the Hawai'i Tracker Facebook group. “Dang…I'm going to have to call the repair guy,” I thought to myself.
Screenshot of an interactive map from the USGS Seismic Overview web page from Saturday morning's magnitude 4 tremor south of Mauna Loa's northeast fault zone. (Map provided by: US Geological Survey)
Enz shared a laugh in his comment as well, because shortly after he realized that he was probably jumping in with the repairman because it was actually an earthquake that shook him and his garage.
More than 180 people — most from around the Big Island and one from as far away as Honolulu — reported feeling the magnitude 4 quake by 12:50 p.m. Saturday.
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said the quake struck the island at 8:40 a.m. Saturday, 11 miles west-northwest of the village of Volcano at a depth of 13 miles below sea level.
The epicenter of the quake was near the top of the Mauna Loa Trail, which reopened this week from Kepokapoulu to the 6,667-foot-tall Mauna Loa Observatory inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
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The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported that the quake occurred south of the northeastern rift zone of Mauna Loa volcano, adding that it was not related to magmatic activity and also had no apparent impact on Mauna Loa or Kilauea volcanoes.
Only mild shaking was reported by the community and seismographs. No damage to buildings or infrastructure was expected.
Aftershocks are likely in the coming days and weeks.
Stephanie Mueller-Tirlip told fellow Hawai'i Tracker group members it was a brief shaking, and only her bed moved. Waimea's Joe Peltz added in a comment to the group that he heard it more than it felt.
A screenshot of an image accompanying a post in the Hawaii Island Radio Scanner group Saturday morning about the earthquake that occurred just south of Mauna Loa's northeast fault zone.
Lauren Butcher of Pa'auilo, responding to Jodi Hinkle's comment on a post in the Waimea Insiders Facebook group, said the quake “just passed” and was very brief in the outer Pa'auilo area.
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“We're having earthquakes and a lot of them,” wrote Christine Inserra of Kaʻū, a moderator and senior contributor to the Hawai‘i Storm Chasers Facebook group, noting that Saturday morning's tremor measured 3.9 before it upgraded to a magnitude of -4. “Almost around the entire mother mountain [Mauna Loa]”.
Inserra added that earthquakes have occurred frequently over the past two days in the Volcano Tu Pahala and Naboobua areas.
The Hawaii Volcano Observatory already shows that as of 2:15 PM Saturday, there have been at least 36 earthquakes of varying magnitudes in various locations on the Big Island over the past two days.
This includes one near Hōnaunau-Nāpōʻopoʻo, several around Pāhala and several around Volcano other than Saturday's magnitude 4.
Seismic rates over the past week under the summit of Kīlauea volcano and the Upper East Rift Zone also doubled this week compared to the previous week.
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About 100 earthquakes are located below the summit and about 226 earthquakes are in the upper East Rift Zone, the Hawaii Volcano Observatory's weekly Volcano Watch article said in this week's volcano activity update.
Screenshot of an interactive map from the Hawaii Volcano Observatory website showing the number of earthquakes that occurred from October 1 to November 30 on and around the Big Island from October 1 to November 30.
Data from the volcano observatory showed that from October 1 to 1:45 p.m. on November 30, at least 481 earthquakes of varying magnitude occurred on or around the Big Island at different locations and depths.
Below is a breakdown of earthquake numbers according to their strength:
Below size 1: 10. Size 1 to size 2: 256. Size 2 to size 3: 204. Size 3 to size 4: 8. Size 4 to size 5: 3.
The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory continues to monitor volcanoes in Hawaii for any changes.
Click here to find additional information from the USGS about Saturday's earthquake and others.
Sources 2/ https://bigislandnow.com/2024/11/30/magnitude-4-shaker-strikes-south-of-mauna-loas-northeast-rift-zone/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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