Families of Cyprus earthquake victims head to Türkiye for the final stage of the trial
The families of the 35 Turkish Cypriots who were killed when the Isaias Hotel in the southeastern Turkish city of Adiyaman collapsed during the earthquakes in February last year, left for Adiyaman on Monday evening before the 11 people responsible for the hotel collapse resumed on Tuesday. .
The defendants in Case No. 11 are currently facing charges of “causing death through intentional negligence” before the Third High Criminal Court in Adıyaman. If convicted, each could face a maximum of 22 and a half years in prison.
However, the families of those killed demanded that the 11 people be charged with intentionally killing all 72 victims.
The hearing will be the first since a written report on the building collapse was submitted by Izmir's Dokuz Eylul University, which said the building's collapse “was not caused by the earthquake, but by construction and design errors.”
She added: “If the building had been built in accordance with earthquake building regulations that were passed into law in 1998, it would not have collapsed.”
The report also found that the building collapsed in a different direction than claimed by the 11 defendants in the ongoing trial, and that this happened “due to manufacturing errors and structural defects.”
In addition, it was found that the “illegal floor” built above the hotel also had an impact on the collapse of the building.
It found that hotel owner Ahmet Bozkurt, architect Erdem Yildiz, and civil engineers Mehmet Gunkoglu and Hasan Aslan were responsible for the building's structural faults, and that fellow civil engineer Halil Baci prepared an “incomplete” firm report in 2001 that also contributed to the hotel's collapse.
Attorneys for the Public Prosecution in the case issued a statement on Tuesday regarding the report.
The lawyers explained that the report concluded that the forces applied to the building did not exceed those stipulated in the 1998 Building Regulations.
In addition, they said the mezzanine floor was “missing” from modeling carried out in safety reports relating to the hotel, and as such, its impact was “ignored” when making the calculations.
This is based on the “irregularity of soft floors” that was noted in the report prepared by Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon last year.
The irregularity of the soft floors meant that the upper floors were built stiffer than the lower floors, which meant that if an earthquake occurred and the lower floors swayed, the upper floors collapsed more easily than they necessarily should.
The lawyers also stressed the importance of pointing out Bagchi's role in the construction of the hotel, saying that “the negligent three-page report he submitted in 2001 was one of the main factors in the collapse of the building.”
Baci was one of two suspects released in April based on a report written by Gazi University in Ankara in March, after initially being detained following the first phase of the trial in January.
The Gazi University report was much less harsh than the first two reports, written by Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon and Istanbul Technical University.
The first two explained how sand and gravel from a local river were used in building the hotel, and how the hotel's supporting columns were cut, among many other deficiencies, but the Gazi University report stated that the reported illegal flooring and illegal elevator shaft did not affect the hotel's collapse. .
Sources 2/ https://cyprus-mail.com/2024/12/02/families-of-cypriot-earthquake-dead-head-to-turkey-for-latest-phase-of-trial/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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