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Witnesses of the 2024 Northern California earthquake share first-hand accounts

Witnesses of the 2024 Northern California earthquake share first-hand accounts


People share their seismic experiences after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake off the California coast rocked Humboldt County and a 4.1 earthquake near Cobb three minutes later.

HUMBOLDT COUNTY, Calif. – A 7.0 magnitude earthquake Thursday off the California coast shook Humboldt County. Three minutes later, a 4.1 magnitude earthquake near Cobb ended seismic activity across the state.

At 10:44 a.m., Arcata resident Daniel Burrell was sitting on the couch when the ground started moving.

“I felt like I was drunk,” he said. “The whole earth was moving, wasn't it? Then, incredibly, the cars were shaking as if someone was grabbing the top of them and moving them back and forth.

Burrell said he lives along the Mad River Fault Zone and is familiar with earthquakes that occur in the area, but he could tell right away that this was a major earthquake.

“I actually heard the house cracking when the earthquake happened,” he said.

Burrell said that on Dec. 20, 2022, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the county, causing a crack above a cross beam inside his home.

After Thursday's quake, a second crack formed parallel to the first, and there is a third crack next to the ceiling above another frame.

The US National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for much of the Northern California coast but later canceled it after officials determined the seismic event was typical.

“I have a mobile home and some food to survive, and I was thinking about packing it up and heading to the mountains, but now it looks like I'm going to work today,” Burrell said.

At 10:47 a.m., a 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck about 72 miles outside of Sacramento.

Where else in California did people feel that way?

ABC10 spoke to people in Woodland and Modesto who felt seismic activity amid the quakes.

Angelica Nixon, of Woodland, said she first received an alert on her phone that there was an earthquake. Moments later, she felt like she was on a trip to an amusement park.

“It's not like dizziness or vertigo, but just a little movement,” she said.

Nixon said her dogs then started “going crazy,” and she and her son ran outside to watch the waves crash on the edge of their backyard pool.

“It was kind of scary and wonderful at the same time,” she said.

Paul Sessa, of Modesto, also noticed the wave action in his pool.

He said the water was flowing back and forth so much that he thought there was something in the water.

“There's no one in the pool in December. It's really cold,” Sessa said. “I mean the only thing that would be in the pool this time of year is if something fell, and we don't have a dog anymore but an animal has fallen Possums in the pool.”

Once he checked there wasn't anything there, he said that's when he thought of it – an earthquake. He verified his hypothesis after consulting online sources and communicating with his daughter in Santa Cruz, where tsunami warnings had been issued.

In Humboldt County, Burrell said that when he bought his home several years ago, earthquake insurance was available but he chose not to.

“But at times like these I feel like I have to buy it,” he said.

See more: California earthquake captured on video | California earthquake and tsunami warning

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