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Another earthquake shakes part of South Carolina

Another earthquake shakes part of South Carolina


An earthquake shook part of South Carolina days after another quake was reported in the area

Updated: 2:01 PM ET on December 7, 2024

These are today's four WYFF news stories. I believe government can and should do more to make the people of Western North Carolina feel like their president and leadership care about them. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance tours western North Carolina. How he says the federal government needs to help people after Hurricane Helen. In addition, businesses in the state are facing setbacks after e-bike batteries were damaged in floods. Good morning. I'm Peyton Furtado. Thank you so much for joining us here on Saturday morning. 701. LET'S TAKE A LOOK OUTSIDE SKYCAM MOUNTAIN PARIS. amazing. We live in a beautiful place, the skyline is distinctly yellow over there in that upper left corner. The sunrise is beautiful now if you're awake now, what a blessing it is that we live in an area like this. We have Sidney Sullivan in the studio with us. Doesn't that mean the temperatures will take my breath away too? But doesn't the sunrise take your breath away? Sydney, she's just beautiful. I've been at my parents' house the last two mornings, and I specifically left the windows open. The curtains are open so you can see the sunrise which is really amazing. Even with a chill in the air, we definitely feel it. 27 degrees in Greenville, 19 degrees in Pickens, 24 degrees in Anderson, Spartanburg. 2325 in Asheville. Extremely cold, widespread, deep-freezing conditions. Yes. This is still the case nowadays. However, this is the last morning for many of us that our temperatures will be this cold. Yes, it will still be cold, but at least not quite as cold as we're headed over the next few days. We look at the live broadcast of the fourth Doppler. Nice and dry. A beautiful day to get out and about. I know there are a lot of holiday activities. If you're going outside, be prepared to go, especially if you're headed to the Christmas Poinsettia Show. Peyton and I will go in. It will be a lot of fun, but it will be one of those evenings that you want to add a lot of layers to. Highs will be in the lower 50s, however, once the sun goes down, temperatures will drop very quickly, so it will be cold. But at least it's a nice start to the weekend. But after that, we'll take a closer look at the main warm-up leading up to our route and time-out. Our next chance for rain. Peyton. Thanks Sydney. One person has died after a Greenville County crash. The coroner's office tells us a car and a motorcycle collided on Southwoods Road in Fountain. We're told that James Alexander, who was driving that motorcycle, died at the scene. Fountain and police are still investigating. Officers are also investigating a fatal crash in Pickens County. This includes only one car. It was just before 9:00 Thursday night on Anderson Highway near Findlay Road. Troopers say a pickup truck was traveling north when it ran off the road and struck a tree. The coroner says 32-year-old James Campbell died at that scene. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance visited parts of western North Carolina on Friday, touring Hurricane Helen's damage and recovery efforts. Our Sydney Shaddricks reports. After landing at the Asheville Airport, Vance toured the Fairview Volunteer Fire Department, saw photos of Helen's destruction, and heard from first responders about their own experiences. Response to the hurricane. He also visited a house that Helen destroyed and which is now a Samaritan's Purse Recovery Project. Vance said work must be done on the U.S. communications infrastructure to ensure that if anything like this happens again, the country is prepared. It's honestly a shame, given that we have Starlink, given that we have access to modern technology, that we have so many people unable to communicate with law enforcement, with EMS, with their loved ones. Weeks after the storm hit, Vice President-elect Vance was joined by Senators Thom Tillis and Ted Budd. He said they are working to try to get waivers that would allow people to temporarily return to the areas. Flood zones are now classified. Vance said if that isn't done by January, it will be one of the first things on his agenda. Vice President-elect Vance says as we approach the holiday season, he hopes people across the country will look to the people in western North Carolina who have lost everything but continue to persevere. As one of the great examples of the Christmas spirit in Buncombe County, Sidney Shadders YF News 4. There is now a dedicated phone number to help Northwestern Carolinians get FEMA assistance. Congressman Chuck Edwards said his office will answer these calls and will work directly with FEMA on behalf of callers, his office announced. Back here in Greenville, there was a small business that rented and sold e-bikes as their main source of income, and it was almost wiped out by Hurricane Helen. The owner says many of the bikes were flooded, making them unavailable for rent. Rashad Williams has that story. These are rentals that you can use for 14 years. JAMY McDonough was one of the masterminds behind JAMYA RIDES, but more than a decade of building this business was wiped out in a matter of hours. Back in September. We are all fortunate considering our neighbors in Western North Carolina, but there is still a significant impact. Many of the bikes they rent and the bikes they supply to the city were under water during the storm. When electric assist bikes are underwater. A lot of the parts are deteriorated and they also connect to the electrical sinks. So a lot of them were destroyed. Rents and business overall dropped immediately after Helen approached 50% due to ongoing clean-ups on the trails and around downtown. So to put it in perspective, these wheels help keep the lights on on Reedy's trips and the usual high demand for services in the fall provides them with enough money to get them through the winter months. We save our nuts like squirrels, so we can survive the winter, so January and February are really dead. Jamie says half the supply has been lost, but in the meantime he says they have to rely on servicing and selling bikes to make it happen over the next few months. We encourage you to shop and rent locally. And tonight you and your family are invited to the Greenville Christmas Parade. The annual event begins with the ceremonial ride down Main Street at 6:30 p.m. The show has been running during the Christmas season for over 75 years. IF YOU CAN'T MAKE IT DOWNTOWN, YOU CAN WATCH IT LIVE RIGHT HERE ON WYFF4.COM AND ON THE ULTRA LOCAL APP THE FOURTH WIFE IS TEAMING UP WITH GREENVILLE NEWS FOR THE HOLIDAY SUNSHINE FUND. Funds raised help our neighbors in need. There are several ways you can donate. You can donate through the QR code on your screen. You can send a check to the address there. There's a QR code, of course. You can also text HSF 24 to 41444, or you can go to WYFF4.COM. We have more information out there so far this year, over $11,000 has been saved

An earthquake shook part of South Carolina days after another quake was reported in the area

Updated: 2:01 PM ET on December 7, 2024

A second earthquake struck Saturday morning, days after another quake was reported in the area, the South Carolina Department of Emergency Management said. It's 5:24 a.m. The quake comes days after a 1.6 magnitude earthquake struck near Summerville.

Centreville, South Carolina –

The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management said a second earthquake occurred on Saturday morning, days after another earthquake was reported in the area.

(Video above: WYFF 4 morning news headlines)

The USGS confirmed a 2.09 magnitude earthquake occurred about seven miles southwest of Centerville at 5:24 a.m.

South Carolina Department of Emergency Management

The quake comes days after a 1.6 magnitude earthquake struck near Summerville.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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