Minor earthquake hits Benito Juarez, CDMX: residents alert
A small 2.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Benito Juarez area of Mexico City on December 15, 2023 at 10:24:23 AM. Although some residents felt the tremor, it did not trigger the seismic warning system due to its low strength and location.
According to Servicio Sismológico Nacional, the epicenter of the earthquake was located just two kilometers underground, with coordinates given as latitude 19.38 and longitude -99.17. This site was located within city limits, which made alarm unnecessary, as the warning system was programmed to activate only for earthquakes of higher magnitude and those occurring far from urban areas.
Mexico City's Command, Control, Computing, Communications and Citizen Liaison Center, known as C5, has reached out to the Secretariat of Integrated Risk Management and Civil Protection (SGIRPC) to monitor any potential repercussions from this event. They reassured the public about the situation and strengthened community resilience and preparedness.
A C5 representative explained, “Seismic alert is not activated when the epicenter is located within Mexico City, as the system is designed to warn of earthquakes whose size and distance allow for an effective response time.” This clearly explains why warnings are not raised for such low-magnitude tremors.
Although minor earthquakes like this one do not pose significant risks, officials have urged citizens to take proactive measures. They suggested residents stay calm, conduct checks on the structural integrity of their homes, and have their family emergency plans readily available. Recommendations included staying informed through official channels to obtain accurate updates.
“Keep Calm and Review Your Structural Conditions” has been shared as excellent advice for residents after minor earthquakes. The local government stressed the need for individuals to remain vigilant and prepare for any eventualities.
City officials' continued commitment to protecting their communities was evident as they encouraged residents to report any emergencies through official lines of communication. C5 urged residents to call 911 or reach out via government-run platforms such as Meta (Facebook) and X (Twitter).
Rest assured, Mexico City authorities are always on alert, ensuring the safety of its residents against any potential seismic activities. They remain committed to providing guidance and assistance whenever necessary.
Although the December 15 earthquake was low in intensity, it served as another reminder for residents to stay prepared for such natural events. Every small event contributes to the broader narrative of earthquake preparedness, which remains a priority for both local authorities and residents of the capital.
With tremors becoming more frequent, though often non-threatening, it is more important than ever for the community to prioritize preparedness and adhere to safety protocols. Understanding procedures can help people respond effectively during unexpected situations.
Overall, the minor earthquake reminded everyone of the natural dangers inherent in living in the capital, instilling awareness and encouraging safety diligence among residents.
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