The historic National Puppet Theater is reopening after major restoration work following the earthquake
The National Puppet Theater, one of Albania's most important cultural monuments, reopened today after extensive restoration works funded by the European Union through the EU4Culture programme. The building, which suffered significant damage during the devastating 2019 earthquake, was transformed through a comprehensive renovation project implemented by UNOPS in partnership with the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation of Albania.
Built in 1924, the building initially served as the Officers' Club and later became the seat of Albania's first Parliament, hosting plenary sessions, government meetings and diplomatic receptions. Since the 1960s, it has been home to the National Puppet Theater, becoming a cultural center deeply rooted in the memories of generations of Albanians.
The opening ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including His Excellency Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania; His Excellency Mr. Silvio Gonzato, Ambassador of the European Union to Albania; Mr. Belinde Juneja, Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation; Ms. Fiona McEloney, United Nations Resident Coordinator; and Ms. Sabine Kania, Country Director, UNOPS.
The restoration project focused on preserving authentic elements of the exterior and interior, paying particular attention to the building's major architectural periods from the 1920s through the early 1980s. The renovation included restoring the entire facade, rebuilding the earthquake-damaged theater tower, and making comprehensive upgrades to the theater's machinery and infrastructure.
The state-of-the-art theatre, which can now accommodate up to 130 people, features modern stage machinery and improved audio-visual performance systems while maintaining its historic character. The project addressed structural damage caused by the earthquake, including extensive roof damage and structural cracks, while resolving chronic issues such as dampness.
“We are proud to open the National Puppet Theater and bring it back to the city of Tirana and its children, who can enjoy its performances again. This building is more than just a puppet theater – it is a part of Albanian history. So far, through the EU4Culture programme, we have restored 18 Albanian cultural heritage sites, and work continues on five more. It is important to preserve Albania's cultural identity and heritage as the country makes progress towards joining the European Union. The strength of the European Union lies in its diversity based on common values.” – noted Silvio Gonzato, European Union Ambassador to Albania.
“The New Puppet Theater is not just a new building, it is an investment in the imagination, creativity and cultural education of our children, our youth and our fellow citizens. The New Theater for Children’s Art is not just a place for performances, it is a space where dreams are developed, where imagination is encouraged and where values are built through… The power of stories and art. This theater will serve as an open window into the world of magical art, where younger generations can feel welcome and inspired. It adds a new cultural scene to the capital, and a vibrant home for artists and the community, to complement And enriching the cultural life of Tirana.”- Mr. Belindi Jonja, Minister of Economy, Culture and Innovation.
“This historic building will once again be a place to bring people together, young and old, for dialogue, creativity and laughter. We are truly grateful to the European Union for their trust and generous support, and to the Government of Albania – especially the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation – for their outstanding cooperation and for entrusting UNOPS with the renovation of such This important cultural and historical museum is a “treasure,” noted Ms. Sabine Kania, Country Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services.
The restoration of the National Puppet Theater represents a major achievement within the framework of the EU4Culture programme, one of the largest cultural heritage programs funded by the European Union, with a total budget of €40 million. The program focuses on renovating and revitalizing key cultural heritage sites damaged by the 2019 earthquake while enhancing Albania's tourism potential and contributing to local and regional socio-economic recovery.
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