A 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes the Pacific country of Vanuatu
![A 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes the Pacific country of Vanuatu A 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes the Pacific country of Vanuatu](https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/f4157032-ecbb-47f4-99c3-0e2234357d14/wirestory_3e4cc1e02bc0ec62d5931b00286688ed_16x9.jpg?w=1600)
WELLINGTON, New Zealand – Injured people arrived at a hospital in Vanuatu as unconfirmed reports of casualties emerged after the South Pacific island nation was struck by a powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake off the coast on Tuesday.
The tsunami warning was canceled less than two hours after the quake. As communications continued to be cut off hours after the quake and official information was scarce, witness accounts of the victims began to appear on social media and through irregular phone calls.
The quake occurred at a depth of 57 kilometers (35 miles) and was centered 30 kilometers (18 miles) west of Port Vila, the largest city in Vanuatu, a group of 80 islands inhabited by about 330,000 people. The tremor was followed by a 5.5 magnitude aftershock near the same location.
The extent of the damage was not immediately clear as phone lines and government websites remained down and official channels were not updated, but reports of widespread destruction leaked on social media and in interviews.
Dan McGarry, a journalist based in Port Vila, told The Associated Press that he heard about one person dying in the quake from a police officer outside Vila Central Hospital. McGarry said he saw three people on stretchers “in apparent distress.”
He added that doctors were working “as quickly as possible” at the triage center outside the emergency ward. McGarry said the nation was not prepared for an event that would result in large numbers of casualties.
A video posted by the Vanuatu Broadcasting Corporation showed crowds outside the hospital. The phone numbers of the police, hospital and other public bodies were not reached. There were no official reports of casualties.
It was not immediately possible to confirm reports of people trapped inside the buildings. A video posted on social media showed collapsed buildings in Port Vila, including one that collapsed onto cars. A Fiji Red Cross spokesman said the head of the relief agency's office in Vanuatu reported widespread damage before communications were cut off.
The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs said a building housing a number of diplomatic missions in Port Vila, including those of the United States, Britain, France and New Zealand, suffered significant damage. A spokesman said officials were in the process of inventorying New Zealand High Commission staff.
A video posted on social media showed the building sustaining some damage, including broken windows and debris falling from the walls to the ground. Other photos and videos showed items and shelves falling onto store floors and landslides that appeared to be blocking some roads.
Katie Greenwood, head of the Fiji-based Red Cross regional office for Asia and the Pacific, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that Port Vila's downtown area was full of large buildings and hotels.
“We haven't heard of any casualties yet, but I would be shocked if we don't hear that bad news coming out of Port Vila at some point,” she said.
McGarry said a “massive landslide” at the international shipping terminal would likely hamper the country's recovery. He added that the airport runway was also damaged.
Vanuatu's location in a subduction zone – where the Indo-Australian tectonic plate moves beneath the Pacific plate – means that earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6 are not uncommon and the country's buildings are designed to withstand earthquake damage.
“I think it could have been worse,” McGarry said. But he said it was “by far” the most dangerous thing he had seen in his 21 years in Vanuatu.
In the hours after the tremor, the US Geological Survey said the tsunami threat had passed. The agency had previously warned of waves reaching 1 meter (3 feet) above tide level.
Authorities in Australia and New Zealand, located in the Pacific Ocean, said there was no threat of a tsunami occurring in their countries.
The New Zealand Foreign Ministry said 45 New Zealanders were registered as being in Vanuatu. The ministry did not provide details about the status of their nationals.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs said it was able to provide a wide range of support, as needed, through emergency and development programmes.
Associated Press writer Rod McGuirk in Melbourne, Australia contributed reporting.
Sources 2/ https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/magnitude-73-earthquake-hits-pacific-island-nation-vanuatu-116851766 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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