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Services remain suspended in Vanuatu as the second earthquake strikes

Services remain suspended in Vanuatu as the second earthquake strikes


A second earthquake has struck Vanuatu, a day after a powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Port Vila.

Yesterday's earthquake caused severe damage to many buildings in the capital, crushed cars, and briefly triggered a tsunami warning.

14 people are confirmed missing.

World Vision's country director in Vanuatu says electricity and water are still affected in Port Vila, and strategic bridges linking the city have been damaged, nearly 24 hours after the initial quake.

Earlier this morning, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck again. Witnesses called for help, describing scenes of chaos, widespread damage and people trapped under the rubble.

Clement Chibukolo of World Vision said aftershocks make everyone more vulnerable.

“We are still without electricity. The water has also run out and most of the shops are closed,” Chibukolo said.

“We have queues forming at stores that are open for people to get essentials, especially water.”

He added that the main priority is to recover those buried under the rubble and recover the bodies, while service providers are frantically trying to restore water and electricity.

“There are a number of strategic bridges at risk that are absolutely essential to connecting the city, which is what I'm concerned about at the moment.”

Chibukolo said the phone lines were now working but there was no internet connection. He said that the public began to understand what happened.

“I think we haven't really measured the impact, but now the public is absorbing it – what we went through yesterday and therefore today.”

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimated that 116,000 people were affected by the earthquake.

Dan McGarry, a Port Vila-based journalist, described the quake on the social media platform as a “high-frequency vertical tremor” that lasted about 30 seconds, adding that power was out across the city.

Pacific Islands stand ready to help Vanuatu rebuild and recover

The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) family has expressed its thoughts, prayers and condolences to the government and people of Vanuatu.

“The Forum stands ready to provide assistance and support to Vanuatu during this very difficult time,” says Pacific Islands Forum Secretary-General Baron Waka. Fiji's Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, expressed his Government's deepest sympathy to the people of Vanuatu.

He added: “We pray for the safe evacuation and well-being of all those affected by this disaster, and express our deepest condolences to those who lost their loved ones.” “Fiji is ready to help Vanuatu in any way possible,” he adds.

Fiji's opposition leader, Inia Serwiratu, urged everyone to come together and provide support and assistance to help Vanuatu rebuild and recover.

Due to damage to the airport terminal and runway in Port Vila, Vanuatu, Fiji Airways announced that its flight scheduled to arrive in Port Vila at 1800 on 18 December will not proceed until it is confirmed that it is safe and feasible to do so. Minister Winston Peters says they are helping.

“A New Zealand military surveillance plane is scheduled to fly over Vanuatu this morning to help assess damage from the earthquake,” Peters said.

“We are also offering to send an urban search and rescue team and relief supplies to Vanuatu later today, once the airport in Port Vila reopens. New Zealand medical, emergency medical, civil defence, consular and humanitarian officers will also be deployed as part of this operation.”




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