Vanuatu earthquakes mean children will need shelter, food and more
PORT VILA, (18 December 2024) – Children in Vanuatu need immediate support to ensure they have shelter, food, healthcare as well as education in the wake of two earthquakes that struck Vanuatu and caused widespread destruction in the capital, Port Vila, Save the Children said. .
A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck near Vanuatu's capital, Port Vila, triggering landslides and causing extensive damage to buildings. Less than 24 hours later, a second 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck the island nation, and a state of emergency was declared.
With communication lines still largely cut, the full extent of the devastation remains unclear. However, the earthquakes have damaged buildings in Port Vila, including schools and hospitals, and rescue operations are currently underway for people trapped under rubble and collapsed buildings.
The Vanuatu government has confirmed the deaths of at least 14 people*. Initial estimates from the government indicate that up to 80,000 people live in the affected population areas.
Preliminary data indicates that about 23,000 people are in urgent need of assistance, highlighting the immediate risks to children, who are always the most vulnerable in times of disaster.
Vanuatu, a low-lying archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, located thousands of kilometers east of northern Australia, is no stranger to seismic activity, and the country is vulnerable to frequent large earthquakes and other natural disasters.
The country is still recovering from Category 4 tropical cyclones Judy and Kevin, which struck the country in March 2023 and directly affected more than 80% of the country's population of about 320,000 people.
“While we still do not know the full extent of the devastation, it is clear that this has been a major disaster and that children, who are already the most vulnerable in times of crisis,” need immediate support, to ensure they can get them, said Kim Koch, Save the Children’s Pacific regional director. On shelter, food, water and health care.
“It is important that we focus on the immediate needs of children and their families, but we must also begin to think about their long-term recovery. Rebuilding schools, ensuring access to education, and providing mental health support to children are essential steps in the recovery process.”
“We are committed to working with the Government of Vanuatu, as well as donor countries such as Australia, to support communities in their recovery, and to ensure that children’s rights, health and safety are prioritized in response efforts.”
Save the Children has a long history of responding to emergencies in the Pacific and Vanuatu, and is currently supporting the Government of Vanuatu to assess the impact of the earthquake and prepare to support the communities we serve. We will be guided by the response plan developed by the National Disaster Management Office.
Through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership's Disaster Preparedness Programme, which is funded by the Australian Government, Save the Children also works with communities across Vanuatu to develop disaster preparedness plans and conduct emergency preparedness training.
Sources 2/ https://www.savethechildren.org/us/about-us/media-and-news/2024-press-releases/vanuatu-earthquakes-children-will-need-shelter-food-and The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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