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growing needs for trauma treatment and rehabilitation

growing needs for trauma treatment and rehabilitation


A ceasefire and cessation of hostilities took effect on November 27, offering temporary relief to millions of civilians caught up in the conflict in Lebanon. But Lebanon's suffering has not ended amid staggering unmet health needs. Lebanon's overburdened health care system, which borders Syria and Israel, is reeling under the effects of an economic crisis, political deadlock, a refugee crisis and now war.

The country hosts 1.5 million Syrian refugees: events in Syria inevitably affect Lebanon and WHO operations. Syrian nationals are entering Lebanon at the same time as Syrian refugees from Lebanon are returning to Syria.

“The already decimated health system has withstood this latest storm admirably, but has been further weakened. The challenges are complex and require specialized, sustained support,” said WHO Representative in Lebanon Dr. Abdinasir Abubakar.

We have a rocky road ahead of us

The road ahead for the Lebanese healthcare system is difficult, and the future is uncertain.

Lebanon's cumulative real GDP has shrunk by 38% since 2019, according to the data World Bank, with war being the last of many blows. To date, more than a million people displaced by the hostilities have returned to southern Lebanon, where the physical and health infrastructure is in shambles. Several health facilities remain closed and most hospitals are operating below capacity due to financial constraints and staff shortages, longstanding challenges in Lebanon.

More than 530 health workers and patients were killed or injured attacks on health care and thousands of health workers have been displaced or emigrated, leaving hospitals and health centers struggling to meet the health needs of the population. In order for hospitals to continue operating, the need for healthcare workers is great.

Water and sanitation systems are severely disrupted, increasing the risk of disease outbreaks. Done 7% of buildings in ruins in the two southern provinces that were hardest hit, thousands are still on the move and will not be able to return home anytime soon. Those who have returned face risks posed by explosive remnants of war, as well as greater overall health risks.

Growing need for specialized trauma care

Since October 8, 2023, more than 4,000 people have been killed and 17,000 wounded in Lebanon alone. Since the ceasefire took effect and conflict-affected areas became more accessible, the death toll has continued to rise as more bodies have been found in 16,000 buildings that were partially or completely destroyedleaving an estimated 8 million tons of debris.

“The physical destruction is similar to what you see after an earthquake – and this has resulted in compound injuries, open wounds and fractures. And because the treatment provided during the war was often suboptimal, the injured need multiple surgeries to prevent complications and disability,” he said. is dr. Ahmad Alchaikh Hassan, WHO Technical Officer for Trauma.

One in four people with life-changing injuries will need long-term rehabilitation and, in some cases, assistive technologies and prosthetics. Specialized support will be needed as the technical capacity in Lebanon cannot cope with the increasing number of people who need these services and goods.

“This need for specialized health care will continue for months and years to come. Lebanon needs reconstructive surgeons to treat the severely injured, eye doctors to treat the thousands of people injured in the pager attack, physical therapists to begin rehabilitating amputees, and prosthetists to help assistive device users.” , said WHO representative dr. Abubakar.

WHO's response

Ensuring a sufficient number of trained health workers with professional experience in war trauma and plastic reconstruction surgery is a priority.

Three weeks into the eight-week ceasefire, WHO and the Ministry of Public Health are working to restore medical supplies and re-establish health services across the country.

“WHO and national health authorities have conducted several mass casualty management trainings across Lebanon – resulting in stronger, more decisive life-saving responses. Without these timely interventions, the outcomes would have been unconscionably,“said Dr. Hassan, WHO Technical Officer for Trauma.

WHO's ongoing operations include increasing trauma care capacity, training surgeons in specialized trauma care in conflict areas, providing mental health training to health workers, building capacity for rehabilitation in post-conflict settings, replacing damaged equipment, identifying gaps in health coverage and preparing for future scenarios and subsequent health impact.

WHO also provided 5,000 bags of blood and contingency reagents to blood banks and produced awareness materials about unexploded ordnance and other health risks for first responders and civilians. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Public Health throughout the country conduct vigorous surveillance of outbreaks of diseases that pose an increased risk in post-conflict settings.

“The road to recovery will be long and windy. Our goal is to help the health system recover and be resilient and ready. We are grateful to our many partners who have supported this response, but this is not the end. This is the beginning and the need for technical and financial support has never been higher,” concluded WHO representative Dr. Abubakar.




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