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Switzerland expresses its sympathy after the earthquake that struck the South Pacific

Switzerland expresses its sympathy after the earthquake that struck the South Pacific


At least 14 people died as a result of the earthquake that struck the island of Vanuatu. About 200 others were injured, according to UNICEF. Keystone-SDA Listen to the article Listen to the article Toggle language selector English (US) English (British) Created using artificial intelligence.

The Swiss Embassy in Australia commented on the violent earthquake that struck the South Pacific. “Our thoughts are with the people of Vanuatu who are struggling with the consequences of this devastating earthquake,” she said in a statement on Channel X.

This content was published on December 19, 2024 – 11:04

He added: “Lives have been lost, many have been injured, and countless families have been displaced.” Thoughts are with the victims, their families and all those affected by this tragedy.

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At least 14 people died as a result of the earthquake that struck the island of Vanuatu. About 200 others were injured, according to the relief organization UNICEF, citing government figures. The exact extent of the destruction remains unclear.

Infrastructure was severely damaged

Many buildings in the capital, Port Vila, were severely damaged or collapsed as a result of the earthquake. UNICEF reported that the total number of people affected reached 80,000 people. She added that two important water tanks in the capital were severely damaged. Many roads and bridges linking the airport and the port were severely damaged, and air traffic was only allowed for humanitarian aid flights.

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Communications were completely or partially disrupted. The hospital in Port Vila also suffered structural damage, which is why the operating room was out of service. According to UNICEF, the injured are being treated in tents in front of the hospital building.


A 7.3-magnitude earthquake struck the island state located east of Australia on Tuesday. The USGS seismic monitoring station located the quake at a depth of about 57 kilometers, about 30 kilometers west of Port Vila. The earthquake was followed by several aftershocks. A temporary tsunami warning has been cancelled.

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Vanuatu Police announced on Facebook that rescue workers were unable to reach some homes due to the risk of collapse. Several landslides were also reported. The building in Port Vila that houses the embassies of the United States, New Zealand, France and Great Britain was also damaged. The Vanuatu Red Cross said rescue workers and volunteers were working tirelessly to help those affected by the earthquake. A total of three Australian Air Force aircraft are expected to arrive in Vanuatu carrying firefighters, paramedics, engineers and medical personnel.

Vanuatu, with a population of about 330,000 people, consists of about 80 islands and is located about 1,800 kilometers east of Australia. The South Pacific country lies on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, the most geologically active region on Earth.

Translated from German using DeepL/gw

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