Scientists are documenting a rare Boomerang earthquake on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for the first time ever
Reconstructed image of the fracture zone.
(Hicks et al.)
Do you remember the “Boomerang” feature in smartphone apps to create videos of moving objects, making them move back and forth? Now, researchers have observed a similar pattern in the earthquake that struck under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the first discovery of its kind, scientists documented a rare “Boomerang” earthquake that occurred under the ocean.
A Boomerang is an object that, when thrown, can return to its original position. Studying this rare phenomenon can help scientists understand this unusual natural event and improve our predictions.
In this rebound earthquake, the first rupture spread away from the fault, but then turned around and ran in the opposite direction at a higher speed. Scientifically speaking, this accident is referred to as a reverse reproductive rupture. While traveling at very high speeds, such reverberating earthquakes can cause intense shaking across a wider area.
This is the first time that such an earthquake has been tracked. It was documented near the mid-Atlantic ridge with the help of 39 seismometers installed in 2016. Seismographs recorded a magnitude 7.1 earthquake near the fault known as the Romansh fault zone – a gap of 900 km in the Mid-Atlantic mountain range, And one of the largest equatorial rift zones in the Atlantic Ocean.
Data from seismometers highlighted a different type of earthquake, prompting researchers from the University of Southampton and Imperial College London to examine the rupture along the fault to find out more about it.
According to the study, it was observed that the earthquake was initially heading eastward, then suddenly returning to the west at breakneck speed – faster than the seismic shear wave. The rupture had two stages: first, upward and eastern propagation towards a weaker area where the diversion fault intersects the central ridge; The second is an unusual reversal propagation westward at high speed towards the center of the fault.
Conversion errors occur when tectonic plates slide over one another. They are said to be the only parts of seismically active fractures. This event highlights that even earthquakes along a single fault zone can be extremely powerful. A fault is essentially a fracture between two rocks, and a single fault zone is caused by a single fault moving in a vertical motion and a sliding motion during an earthquake, according to LiveScience.
“Although the fault structure appears simple, the way the earthquake grew was not,” said first author of the study, Dr. Stephen Hicks. “This was completely different to the way we expected the earthquake to look before we started analyzing the data,” from the section Earth Sciences and Engineering at Imperial University.
Studies on Boomerang earthquakes are few, but these new details could be crucial for making better and more accurate models and predictions of future earthquakes. Moreover, the research is also likely to provide a clear picture of the impact of such types of earthquakes on the surrounding Earth.
The study was published in Nature Geoscience earlier this week and can be accessed here.
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