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A court imprisons hotel owner and architect in a landmark trial related to the earthquake

A court imprisons hotel owner and architect in a landmark trial related to the earthquake



A court in Adiyaman has issued its ruling in the Grand Isiyas Hotel case, one of the landmark trials stemming from the devastating 2023 earthquakes, sentencing six defendants, including the hotel owner and architect, to prison.

The hotel collapsed during the earthquakes on February 6, 2023, killing 72 people. The earthquakes, which swept through 11 southern provinces, killed more than 53,000 people.

Among those staying at the Grand Isias Hotel during the disaster were a Turkish Cypriot school volleyball team and several Turkish tour guides.

After hours of testimony, the Judiciary Committee met for an additional four hours of deliberations before issuing a ruling early on December 25.

As in previous hearings, Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister Unal Östell and several high-level officials attended the hearing in Adıyaman to observe the proceedings.

Hotel owner Ahmet Bozkurt was sentenced to 18 years and five months in prison for “causing death or injury to more than one person through willful negligence,” because he failed to ensure the building complied with earthquake regulations.

“I am not the architect who designed the building; I just own the land and run the business. He added: “I do not deny my role, but the allegations indicating that I worked as a contractor or forged documents are baseless,” rejecting these accusations.

He said: “If the earthquake had not been so severe, the hotel I was staying in would not have collapsed.”

His son, Mehmet Fatih Bozkurt, was sentenced to 17 years and four months in prison, and architect Erdem Yilmaz was sentenced to 18 years and five months in prison on the same charges.

The owner’s son confirmed his innocence, stressing: “I hold a passport without a visa. If I had intended to flee, it would have been easy. But I chose to stand trial because I am not guilty.”

Speaking to reporters after the session, the Turkish Cypriot Prime Minister stressed his dissatisfaction with the punishment imposed on the hotel owner, but acknowledged that “justice has been achieved” with the sentences issued against the rest.

“The hotel owners did not receive the punishment we expected. However, the judiciary has ensured that every individual involved in the construction of the hotel, from the architect to others in the chain, will face due accountability. This brings us partial solace,” he noted.

Ostell confirmed that Turkish Cyprus had closely monitored the trial since the first day, and expressed its confidence in the Turkish judiciary.

This issue may have reached a conclusion here, but for us, it is far from over. “Once the detailed merits of the ruling are issued, we will take the matter to the Court of Appeal and continue to seek justice as a nation.”

In the wake of the seismic disaster, which left thousands of buildings in ruins, the Turkish Ministry of Justice established a dedicated office to investigate crimes related to earthquake collapses.

Besides the Grand Isaias Hotel trial, another high-profile case involving a luxury apartment complex in Hatay, marketed as a “corner of paradise” that collapsed and killed 269 residents, has received significant attention both domestically and internationally.

In the Hatay case, the fate of 59 people, believed to have been inside their homes at the time of the early morning earthquake, remains unknown, and their bodies have not yet been recovered.




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