Japan marks 30 years since the Kobe earthquake that killed more than 6,400 people

The western Japanese city of Kobe and its surrounding areas on Friday marked the 30th anniversary of the 7.3-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 6,400 people, and many hope to keep the memories alive as the devastating event continues to teach the importance of strengthening disaster preparedness. A vulnerable nation.
Residents and families of the victims observed a moment of silence at 5:46 a.m., the same time that the Great Hanshin Earthquake struck Kobe and surrounding areas in Hyogo Prefecture on January 17, 1995, killing 6,434 people and leveling many homes.
People pray as they observe a moment of silence in Kobe in the early morning of January 17, 2025, the 30th anniversary of the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that killed 6,434 people. (kyodo)
Thousands of paper and bamboo lanterns were placed in Kobe East Park to form the date “1.17,” along with the Japanese word “yorisou,” which means to be together, in memory of others affected by the disaster such as those affected by the earthquake that struck the country. The typhoon hit central Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture on New Year's Day last year.
“We will continue on our way to the new era, keeping in mind the memory and remembering the grief,” Kobe Mayor Keizo Hisamoto said at a ceremony organized by the city.
Genki Hasegawa, a 38-year-old teacher who lost his mother and brother, spoke as a representative of the victims, saying, “We will pass on the lessons learned from the earthquake to get more people on the starting line of disaster prevention.” and mitigation.”
Hyogo Prefecture is planning a separate ceremony, which Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako are expected to attend.
The Kobe earthquake injured about 43,800 people and damaged or destroyed nearly 640,000 homes. Up to 310,000 people sought emergency shelters after the quake, and criticism of the government's initially slow response has spurred efforts to strengthen crisis management over the years.
People were shocked by television images of the devastation that occurred in 1995, including the collapse of a highway. Post-earthquake fires also destroyed 7,574 buildings.
Drawing on lessons learned from the earthquake, the government implemented measures to improve disaster response, including establishing a crisis management center in the Prime Minister's Office.
The earthquake led to the enactment of a law to provide post-disaster assistance to affected populations and stimulated the widespread adoption of earthquake insurance.
The lanterns are placed to form the Japanese word “yorisou,” which means “to be together,” and the date “1.17” in a park in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, on January 17, 2025, the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin Earthquake that struck Japan. A city in western Japan and its surrounding areas. The disaster claimed the lives of more than 6,400 people. (Kyudo) ==Kyudo
Bamboo lanterns are lit in a park in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, in the early morning of January 17, 2025, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin Earthquake that struck the western Japanese city and its surrounding areas, killing more than 6,400 people. (Kyudo) ==Kyudo
In recent years, Japan has experienced a series of devastating earthquakes, including the January 2024 earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula. It is feared that a strong earthquake could occur within the next 30 years along the Nankai Trough, a trench in the ocean floor along the Pacific coast where the Eurasian and Philippine Sea tectonic plates meet.
Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has pledged to create a new disaster management agency to strengthen and accelerate responses to earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters. The agency is expected to launch by fiscal year 2026.
Conveying the lessons learned from the Great Hanshin Earthquake to younger generations has become an increasing challenge over the years.
A Kyodo News survey of 52 organizations in Hyogo hosting earthquake commemorative events highlighted this challenge. About 80% said it would be difficult to continue holding such events, mainly because the number of people who experienced the disaster firsthand was low.
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Sources 2/ https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2025/01/ab88811eff96-japan-marks-30-years-since-kobe-quake-that-killed-over-6400.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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