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The deepest earthquake was not a seismic record after all

The deepest earthquake was not a seismic record after all



The main rift lines of the Pacific. A standard earthquake in Japan is likely … [+] An earthquake was not yet everything that indicates a new study.


The deep earthquake that recorded the record recorded in May 2015 abroad from Japan is likely to be a classic tecton event, but it arose from a metal shift in the land cloak.

On May 30, 2015, a 7.9 -magnitude earthquake was surprised by the Japanese archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, an earthquake. They have identified Hypocense (the real starting point of the earthquake) for the subsequent shock at a depth of 680 km, much deeper than any previously registered earthquake.

Most earthquakes occur at the first 200 km of the Earth's crust and the upper cloak, and they are rarely rare about 500 km. The pressures and very high temperatures in these depths make the rocks more likely to bend or gently deformation, rather than breaking the fragile style that causes the earthquake rupture in shallow depths.

But a new study conducted by Hawa Zhang from the University of Southern California and its colleagues did not find evidence of the Tktonian earthquake during the 2015 series, and instead they suggest that the recorded seismic tremor is caused by a metal transformation.

The mechanisms behind deep earthquakes – those that occur 500 km or deeper – are a bit of mystery to earthquake scientists. Geologists believe that they are linked to approximate panels, where cold and fragile rocks are quickly pulled into the mantle of the earth. These earthquakes also also produce a few final tremors, as Zhang notes, which can provide useful data to understand how these deep events are created.

He explains that the plastic deformity of the rocks – most of the rocks work like the tar in these depths – “reduces the formation of wide fracture networks that will generate subsequent tremors.” “In addition, high high pressure enhances the effective re -distribution of stress after the main scheme, which reduces the possibility of subsequent seismic events.”

One of the previous studies of Ogasawara Islands earthquake told the Foreshock sequence of this event, while a second study discovered a possible deep tremor in the record in the lower scarf. The earthquake occurred inside the IZU-Bonin (another name for the Ogasawara Islands) and was linked to a panel of the Pacific plate that slides under the Philippine Sea dish. But the data reassessment shows that the Hypocense site, which is divided into the record, appears to be strangely isolated from any other registered earthquake in the region, indicating a huge eternity gap. This is strange, as earthquakes should occur along the full partition plate.

A profile that shows the centralization of the Ogasawara earthquake (also the Bonin Islands earthquake) appears … [+] The seismic gap between the supposed 2025 event in the 2025 record and other recorded seismic activity.

Chang and others. 2025/Solidarity Registry

“Although it is definitely difficult to refuse to have earthquakes that began in the lower scarf and its associated mechanisms, our results refuse that earthquake earthquakes are less,” the researchers write in their paper.

Instead, they point out that the observed seismic event has occurred through a metal transformation that occurs 680 km away. Olivin is a shared iron silicate in Magensium in the Earth's mantle, but it is unstable under a high temperature and pressure, and it becomes a series of stable metals including ringwoodite, Wadsleyite and Majorite. In an approximate plate, Olivin can delay its transition to other long metal situations enough to reach the observed depth.

“This late shift may generate stress and release energy, which may lead to deep earthquakes,” explains Zhang. “It is likely to maintain cooler panels to maintain Olevin, separated in a greater depth,” said Zhang.

These new results will help improve deep earthquake generation models and improve our understanding of dynamic processes in the interior of the Earth.

The study, “subsequent tremors on the flat rupture surface of the Bonin Islands earthquake in deep focus 7.9, in the seismic record and can be found on the Internet here.

Additional materials and interviews provided by the American Seismology Association.




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