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International study permit “earthquake” data for Canadian university finance

International study permit “earthquake” data for Canadian university finance


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People walk on the campus of McGill, in Montreal, on October 13, 2023. Remiorz/The Canadian Press

Organizations representing institutions say that the dramatic decline in international study permits issued last year has become an existential threat to the post -Canadian secondary directors.

“The decrease in international students is similar to the earthquake that strikes an educational system that has already weaken the structural terms for years of investment,” said Gabriel Miller, President and CEO of Canada universities.

The provinces in which the allocations for international permits were increased last year a decrease in international joining, creating gaps in budgets that may lead to discounts in the program.

The federal government said last week that Canada issued about 40 percent of international study permits between the kindergarten to grade 12, post -secondary students and postgraduate studies last year, and its goal exceeded 35 percent.

This year, it seeks to reduce 10 percent.

A recent report issued by Applicboard, an online market for learning institutions, said that the number of permits approved for university students is likely to decrease by about 60 percent, while approvals for international university students decreased by about 40 percent.

The total number of international study permits issued by Ontario was mainly reduced in half by covering. Prayboard said that the boycott is expected to be a 55 percent decrease in the approvals of international permits for 2024.

The dramatic decline to the Toronto Centennial College has suspended 49 full -time programs. The University of Winbeig recently reduced the women's football team and the English language program to find cost savings, noting pressure from the decline in international enrollment.

The Prayboard report said that Alberta's share of international students was strengthened by about 10 percent last year, but it is expected to witness a 30 percent decrease in the total approvals of study statements when 2024 data is placed.

Metty Basiri, co -founder and CEO of the Application Company, said that the policies of the new federal government aimed at reducing the number of international students caused confusion and uncertainty for students planning to continue their studies in Canada.

He said: “This is everywhere in every level, whether it is a doctorate, masters, primary – even programs or levels (and) institutions that were not part of any of these changes in politics.”

Pasiri said that the decline in international students forced many colleges and universities in Canada to cut programs and university campus, which means the lowest programs for local students in the coming years.

He added: “Local tuition fees (she) will rise.”

Miller said the numbers are “a large light, bright and flashing in the country.”

He said that the cover will harm Canada in the long run by forcing it to lose in the future.

Miller said the universities were already swinging because of the various decisions taken by the provinces that prevented their ability to create revenues.

For example, the Ontario government freezed the tuition fees for home students at least 2027, although it was injected more than $ 1.2 billion in once last year in response to federal immigration reforms. In Alberta, cuts in the post -secondary secondary budget in the province led to a significant increase in tuition fees for local students.

Miller said that international financing decisions to join and finance governments are likely to lead to the demobilization of workers, the sizes of larger classes and freezing employment.

He said: “A significant decrease in the registration of international students is a fundamental change in the Canadian universities financing system.”

“And unless this system is now fixed by governments, we will not be able to meet the need for education among our indigenous residents.”

The school said in a statement that the University of Calgary welcomed nearly nine percent of international students in the past fall of what it was in the fall of 2023.

He said that the decline equals the impact of about $ 11 million on this year's education revenues. He did not say how he would be affected. “This effect will grow over time, as students were expected to attend for several years.”

The university said in a statement that although it is very early to predict the effect of the cover, it will definitely lead to a shortage of budget, as the full range is currently evaluated. “

Ermia Rezaei-AFSAH, President of the University of Calgary Student Union, said that many programs have been frozen in the school.

“We see that the hats are working better than it aims to,” said Risai-Afisah.

“It will get worse in 2025,” he said. “The reputation damage is enormous.”

Barry Johnston, President and CEO of Canadian colleges and institutes, said he warned of the “devastating” monuments of the reforms.

Johnston said: “Canadian students reaching high -end programs depend on the employers on training and talent lines, the ability of local research and innovation are all at risk,” Johnston said.

The federal government has confirmed that the maximum financing challenges are not its problem.

The Minister of Immigration Mark Miller said in December that the government “has not told any university or college of accusing international students four or five times what we receive local students.”




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