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The risk of the earthquake suddenly compels the Nelson court to close for four months

The risk of the earthquake suddenly compels the Nelson court to close for four months



“Some of the events of the court will actually continue while you may need to reschedule some other events.

“Anyone who is expected to attend the court during the work treatment period is expected to attend the teaching treatment of court officials,” Karafar said.

Engineers found that the court could continue to occupy it, but the relationship between the original court and the extension that was created during the reconstruction was a source of safety concern.

Karafar said that on this basis, the ministry felt that it was wise to evacuate the entire complex while performing treatment.

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He said: “Our plan is to complete the treatment work as soon as possible in court operations can appeal.”

Carefar said that the treatment of potential critical structural weakness would improve the performance of the building in the event of a large earthquake.

He said: “Protecting the safety of everyone who spends time in the building – including members of the public, the judiciary and employees – is our top priority.”

The court, which was re -developed in November 2010, was opened by the Minister of Courts, Georgina T Hyuho at the time.

She said that the developed court was designed to meet the needs of the Nelson community in the future.

Five halls included – two designers to try the jury with the jury retirement rooms, a single family courtroom – two mediation/hearing rooms and 10 corresponding rooms.

T Hyuio said that the large glass areas facing a street were “symbolic to the transparency of our court,” and the building had a distinguished civil figure.

One of the greatest benefits of the building is that it allowed the conflict and straightening courts to work under the same ceiling as the unit of boycott societies, the Supreme Court and Nelson.

The foundation stone that was laid on the site more than 150 years ago was combined with redesign, and a time capsule was placed in one of the walls of the building lobby.

The capsule contains a variety of historical treasures such as metal currencies, ancient copies of the Nelson Evening Mail newspaper, copies of the 1974 and 2009 phone books, and court models.

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The city had a court since 1842, and the Nelson court also used as a polling station during the general elections that New Zealand women witnessed their vote for the first time.

Tercy Nile is an open justice correspondent in Nilson in NZME. She was previously a regional correspondent of RNZ in Nelson Marluo, and public news, including the court and the local government in Nelson Mail.




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