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The British company reveals the interiors of the high -speed Japanese trains for earthquakes

The British company reveals the interiors of the high -speed Japanese trains for earthquakes



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A new “earthquake” train is designed, which is a 200 mph train to move to the tracks in Japan by a British company on a bullet train first.

The high -speed E10 Shinkansen train was set to enter the service in 2030, to replace the E2 and E5 trains on the Tohoku Road.

Studio Tangerine, a London -based design consultant company, is the first foreign company to cooperate in the construction of a Japanese bullet train.

East Japan Railways Company (JR East), a major railway company in Japan, has unveiled elegant E10 rail designs with advanced interiors through passenger lessons.

The E10 will work on the Tohoku Road, which connects Tokyo to Aomori in northern Japan within three hours.

Open the image in the exhibition

The train contains a medium -green color palette (mandarin)

According to its British designer, the color of the green panel for the green on the train was reflecting “mountainous forests and coasts along the way”, with shapes inspired by “silhouette from Sakura flowers”.

He added that the design philosophy of Tangerine for E10 focused on hospitality inspired by Japanese aesthetic and craftsmanship.

“E10 Shinkansen is a milestone in the United Kingdom and Japan's cooperation in the railway sector, setting new standards of design that focuses on hospitality and sustainable travel,” said Matt Round, chief creative official of Tangerine.

“With a mixture of Japanese spirit, innovation and the user -centered design, the E10 Shinkansen is ready to redefine a high -speed railway travel for upcoming contracts.”

In December, a new high -speed train was launched directly, and two of the largest city in Europe were connected.

Germany and France launched the train between Berlin and Paris, and was welcomed as a symbol of close friendship between the two countries.

This step was sold as a sign of Europe's capabilities to attract more travelers to bars.

In about eight hours, the ice service is provided at Deutsche Bahn's Ice Trains once a day increased comfort rather than providing a significant time compared to other indirect connections.

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