Scientists use optical fiber cables to measure earthquake

The researchers turned fiber cables at the bottom of the Saratoga Corridor, between Widbi and Camano, into a scientific laboratory to compare the methods of measuring different earthquakes.
For most of the history of earthquakes, earthquakes were measured from the ground. Although about 70 % of the Earth's surface is covered with water, there are only a few seismic stations in the ocean around the world, according to a research article that appeared in science.
Since applying underwater earthquakes is difficult, scientists are trying to reach practical and effective methods to better measure submarine earthquakes. One of them is known as “super -laser interference.”
This technology was explained in the scientific article “Measurement of Laser Laser Interference to detect the earthquake with ground cables and submarine”, which was published in 2018. When the earthquake shakes the cable, the laser is distorted through it.
When comparing the original laser signal with the light that comes out of the optical fiber cable, researchers can determine the strength of the seismic wave by verifying the amount of deformed beam. Data can also be combined with multiple cables to find hypocense.
When reading the paper, Del Weinner, Professor of Washington University specializing in applied physics, was inspired to test the new method himself.
He said: “These regular fibers that are used in practical things, such as phone calls and television, also have a value as parts of a scientific observatory that embodies seismic events all over the world.”
He did not have to look away from Seattle to find the ideal setting. Whidbey Telecom, a telecommunications company located in the south of Widby, has occurred to possess 4.25 miles optical fiber cable connecting the hidden beach, in Greenbank, with the beaches of Saratoga on the island of Kamano.
When Winebrenner approached Whidbey Telecom with his proposal in 2018, he remembers that the company was happy to support scientific research and allowed his team to create their equipment in a container in Greenbank.
The study began in 2019 and was funded by the National Science Corporation and the Agency for Advanced Defense Projects.
To assess the effectiveness of laser laser overlap and monitor areas that need improvement, compare Winebrenner and his team to researchers in another way, known as “distributed sound sensing”.
According to Winbrenner, the results show that distributed audio sensing provides data showing the place where the disorder occurs along the cable, but it can only be used when the disorder is not more than 62 miles from the place of the device placed on the ground.
On the other hand, he said that laser laser interference measurement can discover disturbances on cables that extend to thousands of miles, which means that this method can be implemented using cables that cross the entire oceans. However, it is difficult to locate the disorder, and defect scientists try to address it.
Air conditions can also be a challenge. For example, a large wind storm that struck the carrots a few years ago caused the laser to act “strangely” and need practical repair.
While analyzing the data, the research team also learned some things about the topography of the Saratoga Corridor.
Chih Chen Chen, a PhD, said the student at SCRIPPS Ocean Sciences in San Diego, who participated in the research, was surprised when he learned that some of the signs that were discovered did not arise from seismic activity, but from tides and currents. This is most likely because the cable, which is placed at the bottom of the canal, which is approximately 295 feet, at some points hanging on the sharp slopes, allowing water to rush around it.
Shin, who joined Winbrenner in 2022, is also a major author of the paper that separates the search and results. The paper, which was published last month, entitled “Calculation of Stress measurements: a comparative study of DAS and Strainmeter and seismic data” and is available for free online.
Winebrenner believes that this study is an important piece to add to a great mystery that scientists are still working to discover.
“I would like to say, in general, the whole field of vibrant search and change quickly,” he said.
The researchers also compared the data collected with two underwater methods with earthquake data based on the ground.
Although earthquake measuring devices in the Earth are more sensitive and can measure the types of ground movement more than the methods that currently use optical fibers, Winebrenner, the underwater cables are often located near the submarine earthquake center, and thus can provide stronger signals and even discover the heaters that may be in a narrow state in the ground may be missing.
By improving laser laser interference measurement, Winebrenner and Chien believed that seismologists can get a better picture of many processes inside the Earth that lead to seismic risks and lead to a better alert of disasters.
Sources 2/ https://www.whidbeynewstimes.com/news/scientists-use-fiber-optic-cables-to-measure-earthquakes-off-whidbey/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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