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A new survey shows the concern of YouTan about “one big”

A new survey shows the concern of YouTan about “one big”



For many Utan, it is an irreplaceable memory from the bones from the first days of the Covid-19 epidemic.

When a 5.7 -sized earthquake shook, focused around Magna, northern Utah on March 18, 2020, it hit where the population was reeling from the Corona virus clorts early and took up to $ 50 million in damage.

Years later, it seems that Temblor and its subsequent nerves have changed at least some public positions on Utah State's ability to withstand a more massive earthquake-known as “one big”-believed to be waving on his horizon for 50 years.

About 3 out of 4 Utan now believes that it will take six months or more for life to return to normal after a large earthquake, according to a survey of 2024 compared to more than 1 out of every 4 recipients in the 2020 poll.

However, in general, the new survey indicates that the population is concerned only moderately about the expected 6.75 Temblor or heading towards the Wasatch interface.

(Christopher Sherington | Solt Lake Tribune)

This is although experts say that the turmoil will be strong enough to dismantle thousands of homes, schools and public buildings – and to inflict economic losses of at least $ 80 billion, along with the loss of hundreds of lives.

Many earthquake experts continue to work to overcome a feeling of general or distraction from preparing for such a catastrophe.

“You can be fatal and say:” We will never recover, “Bill Kish said in an interview with him.

“We can do things so that we do not lose 500,000 people, and that we have water supplies that are still working and have an infrastructure so that our economy can move forward,” Kish said. “These are important messages that people need to hear.”

The new survey, issued by the Envision Utah Regional Planning Group, finds that Yutahins worry more than the disasters that caused human beings, such as economic collapse, political turmoil or electronic attack.

The group's head and CEO, Ary Brokeng, said that most of Utayn's state seemed to be aware that the ministry's mistake is due to a large earthquake – and that it is likely to be severe.

The survey found that the vast majority of the population, in fact, knew that a large earthquake is likely to strike in their lives, and about 60 % say they are excited to prepare. Less than half, however, I think it will have a great impact on their lives.

The survey found that deaths and long -term destruction of such an earthquake are less fears. He said about half of them while they agreed that the earthquake may be severe, they have many other urgent life concerns to worry about it now.

Brunting said he was not surprised that many Utahin are putting the earthquake fears less in their priority list compared to more daily challenges.

He said, “You know that you need to eat.” “You don't know that there is an earthquake.

The survey, published on Monday, is based on a representative sample of 812 in Utah at the age of 18 years or older in 12 provinces, with interviews in August and September.

It is worth noting that the survey indicates that most of the state of Yutan believes that government and municipal governments bear the greatest responsibility for improving earthquake flexibility, followed by federal officials, educational areas and religious groups.

About half do not think these governments do enough.

Uttah lawmakers installed the idea earlier this year to replace the long -service earthquake experts committee that focused on seismic preparation after the legislative body canceled the work of the seismic safety committee in Utah in 2024.

Scientists and engineers, architects, government officials and other interests have worked for about three decades to improve the state's willingness in the light of large buildings waving on the horizon, with a focus on water transport lines and weak energy, while raising awareness of non -competing brick buildings.

The gradual disposal of this painting was eliminated in 2024, with a little interpretation on the Capitol Hill.

A new draft law, which was proposed, died during the 2025 legislative session, which was recently completed to establish a new committee in Utah to prepare for the earthquake, in the Senate Committee.

The Republican Party opponents of the HB513 said that the roles of promoting public awareness and preparing for a major earthquake have already been implemented by the state’s public safety Ministry and other state agencies, which are supervised by the governor of the state, Spencer Cox.




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