More than 33,600 families rebuild a house after the hawz earth

Rabat – completed a total of 33,636 families rebuilding or repairing their damaged homes after the Hawz earthquake.
The Director General of the High Development Agency in Atlas said that Laith made updates about the progress of housing rebuilding at a government meeting, headed by Prime Minister Aziz Akhanchshech today in Rabat.
Laith added that construction work on 14,463 homes exceeded 50 % of the completion, while the total reconstruction process began on 52669 homes.
The meeting also faced challenges in the mountainous areas, where special measures were taken for 4,633 homes in 12 villages. Among them, 1,378 families have been transferred to areas with available lands for reconstruction.
The government said in a statement that the families whose homes were fully destroyed or partial have received a monthly emergency of 2,500 madness, which have now been extended for an additional five months. Since the start of the aid program, the total financial support reached MAD 2.3 billion.
The government also reviewed the rebuilding of 165 schools, while work continues in another 763, which is expected to be ready for the next academic year. In addition, 42 centers have been completely rehabilitated, and 17 other centers are about to finish.
Meanwhile, there are 92 new projects in progress to improve medical services in affected areas.
The government also confirmed the completion of the first phase of the agricultural recovery plan, with 611 million madness allocating to restore agricultural infrastructure, support livestock farmers, and provide free animal nutrition.
The government said that the efforts to reform the main roads are also advancing, including work on the 64 -km national road No. 7. Restoring water supply is also a priority, while completing repairs on damaged pipelines and 43 hydrological stations.
The Hawz earthquake affected the companies that strongly affected, and 1,408 store owners received financial support with a total of 27 million to help them recover. The tourism sector also received help, with 227 hotels and guest homes from the first round of financing benefited, at a value of more than 60 million madness, and 82 additional institutions receiving a second round of support, which reached a total of 26 million madness.
Akhanoush admitted to progress in reconstruction efforts, but he urged the high atlas development agency to accelerate the pace, especially for families who still live in tents.
The devastating earthquake caused widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure. After a year and a half, many affected societies still live in tents under harsh conditions.
In the wake of the recent heavy rains and snow in many Moroccan regions, including Al -Haouz, renewed calls appeared to find a solution to these societies.
Sources 2/ https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2025/03/185787/over-33600-families-rebuild-homes-after-al-haouz-earthquake/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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