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The effect of preparation for the earthquake on mothers with physically handicapped children: a random study governed

The effect of preparation for the earthquake on mothers with physically handicapped children: a random study governed




The study was conducted as (tribal test control group). The study was registered in the record on 11/8/2023 (registration number: NCT06122350). The first registration of the date 02/15/2024. Figure 2 shows the study agreement.

Figure 2

The graph for study.

Place and time

The study was conducted at a special education and rehabilitation center under the National Education Directorate in a province in eastern Türkiye. The data was collected between January 2024 and the April 2024 of the mothers of children with physical disabilities who have fulfilled the inclusion criteria.

A sample and residents

The study is designed as a timed experience with evidence with two groups: “Experimental Group” and “Monitoring Group”, to determine the effect of preparation for the earthquake provided for mothers of children with physical disabilities at levels of psychological flexibility and earthquake. The research sample consists of mothers because most of the care responsibilities for children with disabilities are implemented by 5556 mothers. It has been determined that there are 56 centers for special education and rehabilitation in the province where the research was conducted. Mothers formed 2,688 children with physical disabilities in these institutions of the study community. After contacting the institutions, it was decided that six centers received samples standards based on the number of children receiving continuous education and treatment. The rehabilitation center was chosen to collect data through the lottery method.

The strength of the study was calculated using G*Power Application57. Based on energy analysis, with the size of the effect of δ 74 derived from a 36 reference study, 0.80 strength, and alpha levels of α 0.05 and 0.20, it was found that the size of a sample of 60 mother (30 in each group: and control) will be sufficient. The data collection was finally completed with 78 m.

Insurance and exclusion criteria

Mothers of physically handicapped children between 0-18,

The ability to communicate effectively,

There is no mental illness or disability,

The child is currently receiving rehabilitation services.

Exclusion standards

Mothers who have no physically handicapped child,

Those who close to communication,

Those who do not accept voluntary participation,

Mothers who have any chronic or psychological disease.

Data collection tools

The data was collected using two models: MIFF's introductory information form, consisting of 23 questions, and the child's introductory information model (CIIF), consisting of 3 questions. Both models are designed on the basis of literature to assess social and demographic characteristics. In addition, two scales were used as data collection tools: the psychological flexibility scale (APRS), and it consists of 21 questions, and the Disaster alert scale (DPS), consisting of 15 questions.

Mother's introductory information form (MIFF)

This model has been developed based on literature and includes 23 questions to assess social and demographic characteristics such as age, sex, income, chronic disease, children's number, and family place in residence 6,48,49,58.

Child Information Form (CIIF)

It was developed using literature, and this model consists of 3 questions aimed at identifying child -related properties, including age and chronic disease 59,60.

APRS psychological flexibility scale (APRS)

APRS consists of 21 elements and the Likert scale is used from five points, ranging from “fully describing me (5) to” do not describe me at all (1). The higher grades reflect more psychological flexibility. Turkish validity and reliability of the scale were created by ARLAN (2015) with a sample of 470 participants between the ages of 21 and 48. Alpha Crohnbach Layer was 0.94. The results of the validity and reliability indicated that the measure is suitable for assessing the psychological flexibility of adults in Türkiye 61. In this study, Alpha Crubach laboratory was 0.81 for pre -test and 0.82 post -test.

Disaster preparation scale (DPS)

Disaster preparation scale, developed by ştenuna and çakı41, was used in this study. The scale consists of 15 elements and is divided into four sub -cases: the physical protection of disasters (DPP), planning (P), disaster assistance (DA), and cavity of disasters and signals (DWS). Alpha Cronbach laboratory for the total scale was reported as 0.82, indicating good reliability. In this study, the Alpha Cronbach values ​​for DPS 0.87 in both the pre -test tests, confirming the reliability of the scale in this context.

Training booklet

The training booklet, a guide to the earthquake for families who have physically handicapped children, was developed using resources of literature, the head of disaster and emergency management (AFAD), and the AKUT. The content of the booklet was organized according to the disaster risk management model, as it combines the visual images to support practices before, during and after an earthquake. Before Earthquake's training includes topics such as communication with local authorities, structural safety for buildings, securing dangerous elements, creating a safe field for children with physical disabilities, evacuation and communication plans, and protecting important documents (for example, policies, passports, identity cards, address verbs), attention training and first aid. During the earthquake, training is emphasized on the remaining match, moving to a safe area, adopting the correct preventive situation, moving away from doors, windows, elevators, and recognition of fire risks. After the earthquake, it includes advice on preserving calm, evaluating risk, using phones only for emergency situations, following authorities' instructions, gathering in allocated areas, providing first aid, and security guarantee 5,21,22,24,46,48,62,63,63,63.

Data collection tools application

The data was collected by the advice and psychological guidance teacher at the rehabilitation center through the face-to-face interviews, each of which are 10-15 minutes. MIFF, CIIF, ARS, and DPS reviews were used in the tribal test. After the tribal test management, each mother was appointed as a unique identity. To reduce bias and control of variables that may affect the scales of results, mothers have been randomly assigned to and monitoring groups. The task was made using a simple random distribution method through a random allocation program (Esbalman University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran).

The researcher conducted an interview with each mother in the group (N = 39) and provided training for the earthquake that lasts 25-30 minutes. This training was conducted to face in coordination of questions and answers and used “The Guide to the Earth of preparation for families who have physically handicapped children.” At the end of the training, the participants received training materials and were encouraged to read them. In addition, mothers have been granted a call number and informed that they could be able to communicate with any questions.

To ensure that mothers in the control group were not aware of training, the group did not receive this intervention, which is facilitated by the responsible teacher at the rehabilitation center. The reinforcement training sessions were made four times in total, with visits to the rehabilitation center every two weeks. At the end of an eight -week period, post - and controlled tests were administered by consulting and psychological guidance teacher at the Rehabilitation Center, using APRS and DPS reviews.

After completing the post -test tests, training was prepared ready for the earthquake to the control group, and the study concluded the distribution of educational materials for all mothers. No data loss occurred during the search process, and the full data was collected from all the participating mothers.

Data evaluation

Although the researcher was aware of the group's tasks for mothers, the third party was guaranteed to arrange the data so that it was not possible to determine the collective affiliation. Data is analyzed using SPSS version 26.0. The basic descriptive statistics included the size of the sample (N), the percentage ( %), medium (x̄), standard deviation (SD), maximum and minimum values. For the front analyzes, the Pearson Chi-Square was used when the expected frequency in the cells was greater than 5, while the FETER test was used when the expected frequency was 5 or less. In independent groups comparisons, T test is performed if border conditions are met; Otherwise, the MANN -WWHITNEY U test was used for affiliate groups, T test was applied when border conditions were met, and the Wilkoxon rank test was used when they were not. The reliability of the metrics was evaluated using alpha kronbach factories (α). The importance level P <0.05 has been accepted for all comparison tests. The effect of the effect using Cohen's D, with the interpretation of values ​​as follows: <0.2 يشير إلى تأثير ضعيف ، يشير 0.2-0.5 إلى وجود تأثير صغير ، يشير 0.5-0.8 إلى وجود تأثير معتدل ، و> 0.8 indicates a large effect size.

Ethical approach

Ethical approval was obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee other than overlapping (on 14.07.2023 and 2023/07-15) for the study that will be conducted. Later, a study permit was obtained from the National Education Directorate (on 06.12.2023 and reached 91,449,811). The principles of the World Medical Association (WMA) from Helsinki were adhered to during the research process. Mothers have been informed of the purpose of studying (the principle of informed approval). After obtaining written and oral approval from mothers, they were informed that they could withdraw from studying at any time (respect for the principle of autonomy). In addition, mothers have been informed that personal information will not be collected and that their participation in the study will be implemented within the framework of the principle of secrecy.




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