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Which calls for emergency actions to resolve disorders in the world in tuberculosis services by bringing millions of lives in danger

Which calls for emergency actions to resolve disorders in the world in tuberculosis services by bringing millions of lives in danger



On the occasion of World Tuberculosis (TB), marked on March 24, the World Health Organization (WHO) invites urgent investment of resources to protect and maintain services for care and support of tuberculosis (TB) for people in need in regions and countries. TB remains the most deadly contagious disease in the world, responsible for more than one million people annually bring devastating effects on families and communities.

Global efforts in the fight against TB have saved an estimated 79 million life since 2000. However, a drastically and sudden reduction in the global health agent that happens now threatens to reverse these gains. Growing drug resistance, especially in Europe and current conflicts across the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe, further exacerbate the situation for the most vulnerable.

Under the theme That! We can finish tb: commit, invest, deliver,, World Tuberculosis Day 2025 The campaign emphasizes the gathering of gathering for urgency, responsibility and hope. “The huge gains that the world has made against TB for the last 20 years are now at risk because they are at risk because they are reducing funding to disrupt access to services for the prevention, screening and treatment of people with TB,” ” Said Dr. Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, who is the general director. “But we cannot give up the concrete obligations that the world leaders have taken over at the UN General Assembly just 18 months ago to accelerate work to end tb. Who is dedicated to working with all donors, partners and affected countries to alleviate the impact of reducing financing and finding innovative solutions.”

Financing: Threat to global efforts TB

Early reports on who finds that serious disorders in TB response are seen in several countries with the highest loads after reducing funds. The countries in the African region of WHO experience the greatest influence, followed by countries in southeastern Asian and Western Pacific regions. Twenty -seven countries are faced with crippled failures in their response to TB, with devastating consequences, such as:

  • Lack of human resources of submission of services;
  • Diagnostic services are seriously disturbed, delaying detection and treatment;
  • Data and supervisor systems that collapse, threatens monitoring and management of diseases;
  • Community engagement efforts, including actively detecting cases, screening and looking for contact, exacerbation, leading to delayed diagnoses and increased risks of transmission.
  • Nine countries report on the failed chains of procurement and drug supply, threatening the continuity of treatment and the results of patients.

    Reduction of funding 2025. Additionally exacerbates the existing insufficient financing for the global TB response. In 2023, only 26% of US $ 22 billion was available for a year for TB prevention and care, which left a huge drawback. The TB survey is in crisis, receiving only one fifth of the annual goal of $ 5 billion in the 2022 year-year-year-on-age progress in diagnostics, treatment and vaccines. Which leads the effort to accelerate the development of the vaccine against TB through the acceleration council against TB vaccine, but progress is still at risk without urgent financial obligations.

    A common statement with a civil society

    In response to the emergency challenges that threaten the services of TB around the world, which published a decisive statement for the director and civil society for tuberculosis. AND a common statement Published this week, it requires immediate, coordinated efforts of government, global health leaders, donors and policy donors to prevent further disorders. The statement shows five critical priorities:

  • TB SERVICE DISARIATING ATTENTION Urgent, ensuring the response to the crisis scale;
  • Ensuring sustainable domestic financingguarantee of a continuous and fair approach to the prevention and care of TB;
  • Protection of Basic TB Servicesincluding approach to drugs that save life, diagnostics, treatment and social protection, with inter -sectoral cooperation;
  • Establishing or revitalizing the national cooperation platformsEncouraging alliances among civil society, non -governmental organizations, donors and professional societies to resolve challenges;
  • Improving the monitoring system and early warning evaluate the effect of real time and early detection of the disorder.
  • “This emergency call is timely and emphasizes the need for a quick, decisive action to maintain the global progress of TB -Ai prevents of the downtime that could cost a life,” said Dr. Teresa Kasaeva, director of the Global Whoh on TB -UI Lung Health. “Investing in the completion of TB is not only a moral imperative, but also an economic need – every dollar spent on prevention and treatment gives about $ 43 in economic yields.”

    New Health Games TB -AI lungs

    As one of the solutions for the fight against growing resources restrictions, which triggers the integration of the health of TB -Ai lungs in primary health care as a sustainable solution. New technical guideline Published WHO describes critical actions in continuity of care, focusing on prevention, early detection of TB and comorbidity, optimized management at first contact and improved patient monitoring. The guidelines also promote better use of existing health systems, dealing with common risk factors such as overstating, tobacco, subjugation and environmental pollutants.

    Development of TB determinants, together with infectious and non-comprehensive diseases, lung conditions and disabilities through a unique strategy, which aims to enhance a global response and initiate lasting improvements in health outcomes.

    On World Day TB, who invite all: individuals, communities, societies, donors and governments, to do their part to end TB. Without a harmonized action of all stakeholders, the TB answer will be decimal, revealing decades of progress, which will bring millions of lives at risk and threatening health security.




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