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Three cities honored for public health achievements on the 2025 summit partnership for healthy cities

Three cities honored for public health achievements on the 2025 summit partnership for healthy cities



Today, during a year Partnership for healthy cities Summit in Paris, three cities are recognized for their achievements in preventing non -consistent diseases and injuries: Córdoba, Argentina; Fortalez, Brazil; and Greater Manchester, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Summit, host Bloomberg's philanthropyWho,, World Health Organization (WHO), Vital strategiesAnd the City of Paris, the convened mayors and officials from 61 cities in the network of partnerships for healthy cities to get rid of emergency public health issues and share effective strategies for saving life and building healthier communities at a local level.

“Illegal diseases, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes and injuries are responsible for more than 80% of all deaths globally, but the good news is that they can be prevented,” said Michael R. Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP -A Bloomberg Philanthropy, which are global ambassador and injured diseases. “The cities are leading the way to implementing public health policies and save lives. This year's winning cities prove that progress is possible with strong guidance and political will, and we look forward to seeing the results of their efforts.”

The recipients of the Partnership for Healthy Cities in 2025 have been selected because they have achieved proven progress in preventing non -propagation and injuries, setting an example that can be repeated in other jurisdictions.

All three winning cities are part of partnerships Politics acceleratorwhich provides training and support for the development of politics and establishing the political strategies needed to develop and adopt them. These cities work with partnership to improve public health in the following ways:

  • Córdoba, Argentina, passed a new policy Finishing a city to promote healthy school food environments by removing sweet and artificially sweetened drinks and ultra -processed products from all schools by 2026. The program has been used by 26 schools to date, reaching 15,000 out of 138,000 city children in elementary school.
  • Fortalez, Brazil, He founded the first legal framework of the city to control air quality. Decree 2023 guarantees local air pollutant monitoring to evaluate their impact on residents' health, along with the installation of cheap sensors to improve data collection. Reliable data will help inform city policies that can significantly reduce air pollution.
  • The Great Manchester, the United Kingdom, It has expanded the number of external areas without smoke as part of the effort to reduce smoking, including the opening of its first park without smoking, covering 6.5 hectares of public space. The Great Manchester also conducted a number of counseling counseling and workshops with residents to help make decisions; They launched the paths and communication guidelines for hospitals and the place of the National Health Service (NHS); And sceling this initiative by developing a wider tool without smoke for other organizations and groups that want to create smoke -free spaces.

“The cities are at the helm of the fight against non -propelled diseases and injuries. Progress achieved in Córdobi, Fortalezi and Velika Manchester not only improves health today, but also to set up models for others,” said who is the director of Dr. Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus. “Who is dedicated to working with cities to build healthy, safer and more resilient communities for everyone.”

“Local leadership has become a strong force to resolve the complex challenges that have presented non-stubborn diseases and injuries,” said Dr. Mary-Ann Etiebet, President and Executive Director, Vital Strategies. “We welcome the work of city leaders around the world in their efforts to create healthier, safer environments for their population. Their efforts have a significant impact on the life and well -being of people, showing the national governments that there is significant support for these political solutions.”

Funred in 2017, a partnership for healthy cities is a global network of 74 cities working to prevent non -non -propagation diseases and injuries. Supported by Bloomberg's philanthropy, in partnership with the World Health Organization and Vital Strategies, this initiative enables cities around the world to implement policies or programming interventions with a major influence to reduce non -comprehensive diseases and injuries in their communities. Through this network, city leaders bring transformative measures to improve the health of 300 million people around the world.

Mayors participating in a partnership for healthy cities include:

  • Major Carlos Fernando Galán, Bogota, Colombia
  • Municipal Commissioner Palitha Nanayakkara, Colombo, Sri Lanka
  • Intendant Daniel Pasherini, Córdoba, Argentina
  • Honorable Administrator Mohammad IE, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Municipal President Verónica Delgadillo, Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Mayor of Soup Vartiainen, Helsinki, Finland
  • Mayor Erijah Lukwag, Capampangan, Beautiful
  • Local small location, Lusaka, Zambia
  • Disappearance Mauricio Zunino, Montevideo, Uruguay
  • Mayor Anne Hidalgo, Paris, France
  • Major Parrot Muñoz López, Quito, Ecuador
  • Government Claudio Benjamín Orrego Larraín, Santiago, Chile.

About Bloomberg's philanthropy

Bloomberg's philanthropy invest in 700 cities and 150 countries around the world to ensure a better, longer life for the largest number of people. The organization focuses on the creation of permanent changes in five key areas: art, education, environment, government innovation and public health. Bloomberg's philanthropy includes all the giving of Michael R. Bloomberg, including his foundation, corporate and personal philanthropy, as well as Bloomberg Associates, a philanthropic consultation that advises cities around the world. 2024. Bloomberg's philanthropy distributed $ 3.7 billion. For more information visit, Login for ourbulletinor follow us furtherInstagram,,LinkedIn,,YouTube,,Nor,,Facebookand X.

About the World Health Organization
Dedicated by the well -being of all people and science guided, the World Health Organization leads and advocates global efforts to give everyone, everywhere, an equal chance in a safe and healthy life. We are the UN Health Agency that connects nations, partners and people on the first lines at 150+ locations – which leads to the world to emergency in health, preventing the disease, solving the fundamental causes of health problems and expanding access to medicines and health care. Our mission is to promote health, protect the world and serve vulnerable. For more information visit And follow who Twitter,, Facebook,, Instagram,, LinkedIn,, Tictok,, Pinterest,, YouTube.

About vital strategies

Vital strategies believe that each person should be protected by a righteous and effective public health system. We cooperate with governments, communities and organizations around the world to review public health so that health is supported in all places we live, work and play. The result is millions of people who live long, healthier lives. To find out more, visit or Follow us on LinkedIn.

Media contacts

Veronica Lewin, Bloomberg's philanthropy,

Erin Pallotta, Allison around the world,

Jaimie Guerra, World Health Organization,

Christina Honeysett, vital strategies,




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