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A new guide to evaluating the earthquake power of concrete floors in the multi -elegant buildings that have been released

A new guide to evaluating the earthquake power of concrete floors in the multi -elegant buildings that have been released



The concrete floor support unit fell in the 2016 Kaikura earthquake. Photo: New Zealand statistics

A new guide to assess the earthquake power of concrete floors has been released in multi -drafted buildings, aimed at helping to enhance them better.

It makes more than ten changes to the directives that have rushed after the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake damage to many buildings in Windton, and often break multiple floors.

New Zealand buildings have many hollow concrete floors, and Kaikōura has revealed the hidden weaknesses in them.

When the authorities realized the reason for the floors falling in the statistics house in Windton, they realized that they faced great gaps in engineering knowledge.

Hurry to Stopgap changes in 2018, to improve the evaluation and update of buildings; Meanwhile, seismic engineers began the project, and reformulated floors.

A report of the project in 2022 said: “In contrast to most other shortcomings in the current buildings, few international research is available in terms of equal floors,” said a project report in 2022.

The reviews were conducted according to the directives of 2018, and it was revealed in 2022 that about 150 buildings are in the capital [

shared a design flaw] In its pre -empty floors that led to the evacuation of a government office.

The new guidelines are now replaced by the “Yellow Chapter” engineers from 2018. It works to 258 pages.

“The errors and internal contradictions specified in the November 2018 version were corrected.”

Engineers who evaluate many types of buildings are expected to use.

The committee behind the guidance said that it wants to help facilitate a decision on the modernization amendment, and how to do this.

Since Kaikōura, some projects have worked but others have imposed heavy costs on building owners or apartments.

The new guidelines said: “It is increasingly clear that the main issues – sometimes controversial – can arise.”

This can be essential such as “determining whether to modernize is required … and to what extent.”

The committee aims to assist the modernization amendment when necessary, “while reducing unnecessary disorder, demolition and carbon effects, [and] Promote continuous use or rebuilding buildings. “

Hadithic studies were limited, and new research has been much more than that on how to use or combine “selective” interventions – even “selective weakness” so that a large part of the building did not pressure excessively on others – to make the strengthening of ground currencies.

There will be more new directives later this year on the uninterrupted and enhanced geo -construction assessments.

The new guidance around the concrete floors does not apply to the buildings that are evaluated according to the legislation covering the buildings exposed to the earthquake. Last year, the government spanned four years of different deadlines for builders who need to strengthen these buildings.

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