USGs confirms the earthquake in South Carolina

The United States's geological survey confirms the earthquake in South Carolina
The earthquake was reported early on Wednesday morning.
Updated: 12:36 pm EST, March 20, 2025
The urgent news overnight – one person was injured after the shooting in Ellis Square and a bike death after it was shocked by a car on Apirkorn Street. We will have the last thing in both investigations. Helen's effect. The National Center for Hurricane – issued the final report on this deadly storm. What are the areas that were seriously afflicted – and how many lives are required. And President Trump – the Ministry of Education is to be dismantled today. How much support of Congress he will need – to make it a reality. Woods Memorial Bridge Thank you to start your day with WJCL News 22. Good morning – I am Emma Hamilton. The meteorologist Jonathan Maires is now joining us now …. Now, here is a storm tracker radar … The shower is likely to be mainly, mainly between 1 pm and 3 pm. The clouds increase, with a rise near 74. Southwest wind 9 to 17 miles per hour, with storms of 28 miles per hour. The chance of rain is 40 %. The quantities of new rain are less than 10 inches possible. On Thursday night, mostly clear, with a decrease around 40 sunny Friday, with a rise near 64 western winds 7 to 11 miles per hour. Friday night is clear, with a decrease in about 42. Southwest wind from 3 to 6 miles per hour, here is a look at your traffic path 22. There are no problems on the roads this morning. We start this morning with urgent news. The bicycle driver died after they hit a car early this morning. The Mercy Boulevard Street has been closed to Largo Drive for hours and reopened during the past twenty minutes or so. WJCL 22 News' Kyron Neveaux joins us live from the scene of the accident on Abercorn. And Ky .. What can you tell us more about this deadly accident? More urgent news overnight … The police are investigating fire in Ellis Square in the center of Safana. This happened about 30 this morning. A woman suffered a wound with a non -threatened gunshot. Anyone with Crimestoppers should call. You can also send advice through the SPD Mobile app. This morning … Chatham Province Police dismantle some confusion about a vehicle connected to fire during the night on Tuesday … and a deadly accident from the police pursuit later that evening … killed an innocent man. WJCL 22 News' AJ Sisson … The suspect has not yet been named after the shooting. Kenneth Jeffrey Gordon was a pocket compass driver … where the Savana police began chasing … which led to a crash in the freedom of Parkway on Tuesday … and the death of Darren Louis, 60, the innocent passers -by were arrested with confusion, and I was accusing him that the car he was driving … and a car interest to shoot at Winstik. The car was regardless of an investigation into a felony … apartments and a canke shot 5 people who were injured … which sparked the stalking controversy when the office of the Chatham County Lawyer said: <شالينا كوك جونز ، محامي مقاطعة تشاتام> “The driver of the car may be early in apartments.”
The United States's geological survey confirms the earthquake in South Carolina
The earthquake was reported early on Wednesday morning.
Updated: 12:36 pm EST, March 20, 2025
Above the video: On Thursday, the United States Geological Survey confirmed an earthquake in South Carolina. It was reported at 5:09 am Wednesday, 6 km east, southeast of Elgin. This is located in the province of Kershaw. The earthquake was 1.6 and a depth of 2.4 km. Stories of the police are heading: One was injured in a shooting overnight in the center of Safanahbsic
Gene, SC –
Above Video: Your Thursday addresses
The United States's geological survey confirmed an earthquake in South Carolina.
It was reported at 5:09 am Wednesday, 6 kilometers east to southeast of El Ilant.
This is located in Kircho Province.
The earthquake was 1.6 and a depth of 2.4 km.
Stories are heading
Sources 2/ https://www.wjcl.com/article/elgin-south-carolina-earthquake-4/64243062 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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