The White House reveals how Trump can buy more bitcoin – which provides an earthquake for the price

Bitcoin merchants have been sitting on the margin in recent weeks while they were waiting for a update on Bitcoin's plans for US President Donald Trump (while they are scrambling to defend against the threat of a dark new encoding portfolio).
Donald Trump, the White House Wall Street, is now subscribing to the Forbes Curvement and block consultant, where you can “discover Blockchain films that are preparing 1000 % in addition to gains!”
Bitcoin price was filmed during the month of March, holding about 85,000 dollars per bitcoin, despite the huge prediction of the bitcoin that puts the market.
Now, since the federal reserve can prepare to open the “flood gates”, a senior White House official has revealed that the United States can use its gold reserves to buy bitcoin.
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A warning from Chrome Crome Cross and Forbes Chrome.
US President Donald Trump has promised to make the country Bitcoin in the world … more superpower – something that could play corruption at Bitcoin price.
Gety pictures
“If we really realize the gains [the U.S. gold holdings]”This will be a neutral budget to gain more bitcoin,” Bo Heins, CEO of the House of Advisors at the White House, said in an interview with Trump, adding that “endless ideas” will be in an interview with an encoder in America.
“I will really direct you to the Senator [Cynthia]
“The Bitcoin Loms Law for 2025, which you think can determine the true true value of some of these gold certificates,” said Heinz.
Lummis re -introduced Bitcoin this year, which suggested the United States to purchase a million Bitcoin, or about 5 % of the total Bitcoin supplies, over five years by selling Fed Gold certificates.
Earlier this week, speaking during the Bitcoin and Crypto conference, Heinz said that the United States wants “as much as it wants [bitcoin] We can also get it. “
“It is time to start our president to accumulate assets to the American people, which President Trump does instead of taking it,” Heinz said, in reference to Trump's executive order, in referring to Trump's executive order that prevents the sale of bitcoin and encryption he seized for us.
Trump also addressed the conference, and promised in a previously registered message that he would make the United States “the power of bitcoin that is indisputable and the head of the encryption capital in the world … will be the pioneers like you are able to improve our banking system and pay and enhance more privacy, safety, security and wealth of American consumers and companies alike.” “You will unleash the explosion of economic growth.”
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Forbesleak reveals that Russia is quietly swinging Bitcoin and Crypto for a Bambrough bomb bomb
Bitcoin price has risen up since Donald Trump's victory in the elections, but recently decreased … again from its peak of about $ 110,000 per bitcoin.
Forbes digital assets
Trump's comments, which are praising the bitcoin and encryption technology, companies and investors, reassured the market that is still committed to encryption.
“Bitcoin rewrites the rules for creating wealth and economic freedom for all-the president of Trump Trump at the top of digital assets by pledging to make the United States” Bitcoin's superpower “, said Corrco Koreston, CEO of Bitcoin, by e-mail.
“The state’s national approval is inevitable, but the real revolution lies in enabling individuals to form a more just and prosperous future.”
The stagnation of the last bitcoin prices has been blamed for the total economic factors, although many of the encryption market monitors are still confident that the bottom rotation is a temporary correction instead of the beginning of a long -term direction.
“The bitcoin declining procedure is driven by external factors such as commercial wars, uncertainty about financial and monetary policies as well as political geography. The world is going through major structural changes, and we believe that both Bitcoin and gold are outperforming other asset lessons in the coming months,” Eddy, the chief investment employee in SMIRAN, commenting on e -mail correspondence.
“Bitcoin is still relatively good, and it is likely to be well supported around the level of $ 75,000. We still expect to see new standard levels exceeding $ 125,000 in 2025.
Sources 2/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2025/03/22/white-house-reveals-how-trump-could-buy-more-bitcoin-priming-a-price-earthquake/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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