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How to prepare for Tesunami – and what to do if another warning

How to prepare for Tesunami – and what to do if another warning



She emphasized that the population should use maps to enlarge the specific and zero areas in the neighborhoods with higher risks. For example, in San Francisco, it includes places that are at risk of great tsunami:

The phrase is the construction of the Palace of Fine Arts in the hunter of the hunter from the marina parts of Soma parts of Richmond from the outer sunset

Another example is the eastern Gulf, where the city of Islama is classified as high risks, as well as parts of Auckland. In the past tsunami, places such as Santa Cruise were also severely injured.

Your boycott may have a map of its own to assess the risk of tsunami where it lives or works, including:

If you get another warning of tsunami, what should I do?

If you are in an earthquake, take cover

While California's tsunami can be caused by an earthquake in distant places like Japan, a tsunami can also be more than local earthquakes – which means that you can technically face an earthquake, followed by a tsunami in the fast caliphate.

In general, the Gulf region is likely to see a tsunami caused by more earthquakes instead of that local. Despite the concern of every resident in the Gulf region about “Big One”, which strikes our region, KQed experts told 2017 that the earthquake specifically along San Andreas's mistake is unlikely to produce a large tsunami because of the type of movement showed by these tectonic paintings. However, CASCADIA (PDF) – a mistake from northern California to Vancouver, Canada – can form a threat in the future and a state on the state.

If you feel an earthquake, or drop, cover under a structure like an office, hold it and cover your head and neck (PDF). Do not stand in an entrance, because it cannot protect you from falling debris (PDF) – and do not run outside, where you can be constructed and glass (PDF). KQed has a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the next big earthquake.

Even during small earthquakes, if you are near the beach, experts recommend running to the high ground – like the nearby hill – immediately.

Crescent City, Del Norte Province, on March 11, 2011 (Craig Miller/Climate Watch)

Learn about your evacuation methods – and the time you must escape from the coast

The big tsunami can be drowned on the coast for one mile – and even those small can cause damage by sweeping the debris that can hit people.

Tsunami caused by an earthquake may take several hours to hit the Gulf. But the tsunami caused by a local earthquake will start much faster and can only give you a few minutes to stay away from the coast before the wave strikes.

The best practice during a tsunami is:

To plan the evacuation path, use a dangerous tsunami map to determine whether you live or work in the danger of a “yellow area” and how much you need to travel to reach a safer “green zone”. Keep in mind that you may need to be evacuated on foot if a tsunami is caused by an earthquake damaged nearby.

If you are out of the danger area when it hit a tsunami, the good news is that you should be safe – and in fact, officials urge not to contribute to traffic by trying to evacuate as well.

Once you are far from the coast, stay away from the coast

It does not return to the coastal areas, even after the height of the first few wave – instead, wait for the official word as safe to return. Why: There may be more waves to follow, and it is difficult to predict the wave that will be the most dangerous.

Prepare a set of disasters

This advice that you likely hear when preparing for wildfires: Get an emergency set ready to transport decisive elements such as food, water, medicines and lights in a tsunami. This is especially important if you live in the Tsunami area of ​​the risk of Senami and you may not be able to return to your home as soon as it is evacuated.

KQED has a comprehensive guide on what to be packed in the “Go bag” in a natural disaster.

Make sure you participated in the alerts

Because of the integrated general warning and warning system, emergency alerts – such as disaster warnings – should appear on your phone automatically.

You can make sure these alerts appear on your phone by heading to the settings and then notifications. The list of government alerts (such as emergency and public safety alerts) is usually at the bottom of this page. Here, you can subscribe inside and outside these alerts.

The reasons that you may not get an alert may not be due to the presence of your phone in the plane mode, using the VPN specified on a different location or that your cell service does not work with the warning system. Read more about emergency alerts exploring and fixing errors on your phone.

You can also subscribe to the state or boycott alert system, such as:

More Tsunami alert resources

This story contains the preparation of reports by Dan Breckk from KQed and Katie Dinideti.




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