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The re -construction of the Jajarkot earthquake due to the budget, the workforce deficiency

The re -construction of the Jajarkot earthquake due to the budget, the workforce deficiency



About 15 months after the devastating Gagarquot earthquake, the government deployed 50 technicians in Gagarquot and 40 in Rocom West to assess the detailed damage (DDA) in the third week of February. The deadline for the DDA show, which was initially determined in the third week in March, was expanded for another month.

The distribution of the second segment of the temporary housing is also in its final stage, but the increasing concerns that reconstruction during the seasonal winds may create additional difficulties for affected families.

The 6.4 -sized earthquake, with its center in Lamida of the rural Municipality of Parkut, caused ruin in Gagarquot, Rocum West, and Salyan, on November 3, 2023. The federal government pledged 50,000 rupees for each of the families affected in temporary vehicles, and aims to help families created in thirty rupees. But the delay in distributing the second tranche left a lot while waiting for financial aid for a long time.

“If the permanent reconstruction funds are slowly, such a temporary housing, it may take at least two years for the reconstruction,” said Bir Bahdor Jerry, the rural mayor of Parkut. “The plan was to start reconstruction in the areas where the DDA was completed. But it is possible that the reconstruction will begin during the monsoon due to the procedural delay, which increases the difficulties of the earthquake victims.”

Jerry added that a lack of preparation can lead to a shortage of skilled workers for the permanent construction of housing.

People representatives say they are concerned about the delay in the reconstruction process. Chandra Prakash Garai Magar, the mayor of Bheri municipality, said that slow progress in DDA had delayed reconstruction efforts. “Most of the wings have not yet completed DDA. If it is done quickly, then identifying the beneficiaries and ordering the necessary money will be easier,” he said. “Since everything is late, decision -making by the local and boycott management committee takes time. If the reconstruction begins immediately before the monsoon, what kind of homes will be built?”

According to the initial data, a total of 40,041 beneficiaries were determined in Jajarkot and 34,997 in Rukum West. Among them, only 25,000 received at Jajarkot and 26,000 in Rukum West second slides to build a temporary shelter. According to Cole Bakdour GC, the chief provincial official in Rocom West, the efforts made to distribute money to the remaining beneficiaries.

Once DDA reports are completed, local disaster management committees will determine the exact number of beneficiaries. According to the DDA reports, the Disaster Disaster Management Committee will request funds from the NDRMA National Disaster Management Authority (NDRRMA). It was estimated that completing these procedures will take at least one and a half months.

The federal government allocated 21 billion rupees to rebuild the earthquake in the current fiscal year from 2024-25. According to Dijan Bhattarai, NDRRMA spokesman, the Ministry of Finance sent 3.15 billion rupees to power in the first stage. NDRRMA estimates that the earthquake may damage about 76,000 private houses and about 600 general structures.

With the delay in the reconstruction process, the earthquake victims spent the second winter in temporary shelters and now they face other monsoons under surface leakage. “The cold winter has just ended, but now we must bear another rainy season in these temporary shelters,” said Bal Bahaadur Bk from Sanibheri Rural-3 municipality in Rukum West. “How long do we suffer?”

DDA officials claim that geographical challenges and difficulties in determining the position of beneficiaries and lack of cooperation from local population representatives hindered the evaluation of detailed damage. “In some places, houses that suffer from slight damage were demolished, while some people have already rebuilt their homes independently. The lack of standards of assessment of unified damage caused the difficulty of classification issues.” “Since many families residing in one house, the assessments take longer. In some cases, it takes one hour to evaluate one to 3 hours.”

The government pledged 400,000 rupees for each family to rebuild permanent housing. However, the victims and representatives of the people criticize the slow approach. “If the federal government began the operation at the beginning of this fiscal year, some of the victims had already moved to permanent homes,” said Birka Bastour Besta, the rural mayor of Sanbray. “Now, by the time DDA is completed and the provincial authorities agree on the list of beneficiaries, the monsoons will start. Will the victims focus on protecting their temporary shelters from rain or starting building new homes?”

The earthquake claimed that 154 lives in Gagarquot and Rocom West, with 44 additional victims registered in temporary shelters due to harsh conditions. Other victims have lost their lives in landslides.




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